Sunday, April 17, 2011

True Life: my room is messy

I'm a messy person. If you've been around long enough you know this about me.
There is a difference between messy and this must be a joke.
For the last two weeks or so, my room has slowly but surely been making its transformation from messy to this must be a joke. I have, more than once, asked people to please close their eyes when they open my door. I compare the feeling of having someone look at my room the way it has been to someone staring at me naked. Complete shame and vulnerability. In an effort to unclutter my life today, I began with my room. And for you, I took some before and after shots.
Disclaimer: Yes, I am mostly always messy. No, my room in no way shape or form always looks like this.



Now, this was something I really debated about putting up. I have a lot of people reading this blog who would NEVER let their room get to this point of no return, and who are probably looking at these pictures wanting to de-friend me or ground me. It's embarrassing. But mark my word, I would have never posted the pictures if it was a deal like, "Here's my room right now, I'll clean it and post the pictures on my next blog entry!" No, no, no, because there is no promise in that getting accomplished.

So here it is- first step in a little bit of life renewal. After tackling my room, I spent some good, and much needed time with the king of organization. I asked him to do some file work in my soul that I can't fix with a vacuum cleaner and clorox bleach wipes. It's crazy to think that my sophomore year at Texas A&M is almost complete.

Funny how a day of cleaning your room and doing laundry makes you think of things so much bigger than that. Cheers to that

Nothin but love,

Thursday, April 7, 2011

ch-ch-check it out

A&M did a little podcast segment on the dance department! I'm only in it here and there, but I thought my dearest readers might enjoy a little peek into my life in the studio :)

Watch it HERE!

Real post to come soon!

Nothin but love,

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dear, my life recently

Dear my life recently,

Your predicaments are not eternal.
Your stress is not helpful.
In ten years from life recently, the Saturday night you spent writing a paper will have been well forgotten.
The math class whose content and deadlines won't leave your mind alone when you lay your head on the pillow will be of no use- you will be dancing.
Numbers will be allowed to return to the mush they came from, and you will go back to falling asleep to the dancers in your head whose job it is to wake you up with new ideas.
Oh joy joy joy! You will wake up with new ideas!
Life recently, your room is messy.
Your room is so, so messy.
Won't you stop letting it bother you?
In ten years from now your room will still be messy.
Dear life eternal, your room will ALWAYS be messy until you clean it.
Oh life in the near future, won't you clean your room? Won't you clean your messy, messy room?
Won't you also never ever ever ever forget this secret?...
.... your predicaments are not eternal.
Your predicaments are not eternal!
Your predicaments are NOT ETERNAL!
So won't you live for what is eternal?
Won't you please live for what is eternal?

Because your eternity wants the best for you
My life presently

ps- how about a massage?