My first networking device besides facebook. No, I do not have a twitter account, much to my sister's dismay
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
It seems I lack consistency...
So I have to apologize to my.....one follower (my sister), though I know there are millions of you out there, anonymously addicted to the earth shattering things I have to say who haven't left your computer or this page since my last post. To you anonymous addicts of eloquence, I apologize for keeping you waiting.
On Tuesday I went out of town from Dallas to Kingwood, TX (right outside of Houston) to see Marshall (who was prematurely home from being a kamp counselor on account of an evil case of mono). I had never been to Kingwood before. Kingwood is a forest. There are only trees and nothing else.
Haha ok, that's not true, it just has lots and lots of pretty green trees everywhere, and was very much a culture shock to little miss Dallas over here....we went out to dinner, watched lots of tv, and viewed many a picture of Marshall's childhood (as well as 5th grade football highlight videos from a VHS tape soon to be converted to DVD so Marshall never has to forget his prime). The next day we woke up to watch USA dominate in the world cup, saw Toy Story 3 (round 2), made dinner (I was really nervous about that, but it turned out great!), and ended the night with Kitty City (a favorite puzzle of Mrs. Clapp, featuring 5 kittens peeking out from multi-colored bird houses sitting in a garden of sunflowers) The next day we loaded up and headed to Dallas where poor Marshall had to go to dinner with my ENTIRE family for my mom's birthday. The next day, I took him to the bus at 5:30 in the morning and sent him off back to kamp to finish his term!
Since then I've been helping my sister, Sarah get outfits ready for her engagement pictures tomorrow, gathering decoration ideas my room for next year, and working with lots of cool kids teaching dance privates :) life is good!
Until next time, dear readers...enjoy a picture of the cool kids at my mom's Italian birthday dinner
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Ode to Father- a little diddy about my daddy
With today being Father's day I feel compelled to write a little "diddy about my daddy"...
First and foremost I think he's as good as it gets. He is a lone ranger at our house, living with 3 of the girliest girls you'll find. He is slow to anger and quick to laugh. He leads our family with the love of Christ and pursues Him on a daily basis. He's one of the goofiest guys I know, and is probably half the reason I'm the weirdo I'm proud to be. He appreciates my passions and encourages my constant chasing after them.
Steve (my dad) is one of the only Dad's I know of who enjoys all the dance shows that come along with having someone like me for a daughter. Though it has been a long and achingly slow process, he has given me tough skin and a high tolerance for embarrassment. For example...
First and foremost I think he's as good as it gets. He is a lone ranger at our house, living with 3 of the girliest girls you'll find. He is slow to anger and quick to laugh. He leads our family with the love of Christ and pursues Him on a daily basis. He's one of the goofiest guys I know, and is probably half the reason I'm the weirdo I'm proud to be. He appreciates my passions and encourages my constant chasing after them.
Steve (my dad) is one of the only Dad's I know of who enjoys all the dance shows that come along with having someone like me for a daughter. Though it has been a long and achingly slow process, he has given me tough skin and a high tolerance for embarrassment. For example...
- T-ball games from the bleachers- (Bethany Goes to bat, Dad stands up) "Bethany! Before ya hit...PULL UP YOUR SOOOOCKS!"
- Kappa Alpha Theta New Member Presentation 2009. Dad's escort daughter across stage to pose for a picture. Did the Stutsman's comply? No. We strutted across the stage, arm in arm, and POSED for the picture. (picture posted above)
- Spring Break cruise 2009. My Dad competed in the "Hairy Chest Contest" on the main deck of the ship with, I mean, HUNDREDS of spectators, my dad competed against at least 20 young, tan, chiseled spring breakers in a contest that had nothing to do with a hairy chest...though my Dad does have a hairy one. A different random song would come on, and one at a time, the guys would dance down, shirtless, from the second deck to the first deck, where my friends and I sat, to their respective song. After my Dad came down with the crowd seriously ROARING, (he was hilarious) he came down for his grand finale, found me and my sister, and we both got up and kissed him. The whole ship thought we just kissed some random old man- it was great. When I sat in the hot tub a little later, I heard 2 teen-aged brats talking about the "weird guy who won" and for the first time in my life I got to say, "Hey, that's my DAD." It was so invigorating that I kept with the dramatic attitude (I still swear it was all in slow motion) and I stood up in the hot tub, shook my hair out, glanced back with an evil eye, and got out. [Dad won a bottle of champagne]
- Dance team date night at a Mavs game- Date says: "Hey Bethany...isn't that your dad?" I look at the JUMBO TRON to see my dad...doing the chicken dance mixed with portions of the thriller dance I taught him. Pants are pulled up and drastically surpassing his belly button- floodin' like you aint neva seen, polo shirt buttoned all the way up, and the dance team button with my FACE and NAME on it pinned, in clear view, to his shirt. Did I know he was going to that game? No. Did he go solely to do that? Yes. Did he get invited back with tickets paid for to be featured on the court at a half time as the "Doctor of Dance"? Why, yes.
There's way more where that came from, but maybe I'll tell them sporadically in other posts. In honor of Father's Day, I made my Dad a card that is in the shape of my dog, Moe's head (he's a labradoodle. I'll post a picture of him too) that my dad said he'll use to post around the neighborhood, should Moe ever go missing. I crumpled it up to look nappy like Moe's curly body does, drew his face on, wrote a note on the back, and signed it from me....and Moe...........and the other dog, Harley who, let's face it, is second place to Moe. We're also going to see TOY STORY 3, me and my Dad's very favorite series. We need to leave in 15 minutes and Karen (Mom) is still blow drying her hair...typical. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into the man who raised me and the diddy about my daddy. Happy Sunday, dear readers. Do something fun with your dad today...and then make a habit of it...because Dad's are cool once you let them be.
Friday, June 18, 2010
(Read in really dramatic voice) "Why do I Dance? Why do I Breathe?"
Ok I'm fully aware that y'all thought I was cool until reading the title to today's blog. Rest assured that I'm still cool, I'm just quoting/making fun of a t-shirt I saw for sale at a dance competition once. I remember I saw it, laughed to myself, and immediately began to point out the stupid shirt to my friend...I looked down and noticed that she not only liked the dumb shirt, but she liked it so much she paid $15 for it. Go figure...I don't remember what I ended up telling her instead of making fun of her new shirt, but I'm sure I was smooth.
But all that is beside the point. I mentioned that dance is a big part of my life (I think) in a previous post, but since I have nothing pressing to blog about from today yet, and I just got home from teaching a delightful little girl a private lesson, I thought I'd talk about dance. (And she really was delightful, there was no sarcasm intended on my comment). Anyway, I started dancing when I was 3 I guess. I use the term "dancing" lightly, in that I took dance classes starting at the age of 3 and started actually dancing probably around 3rd grade. Poor dance loses a lot of little ones to boredom with skipping and curtseying to music while wearing tights and leotards in those first years. I guess I've always been pretty easy to entertain since I have always, even in the skipping years, been highly entertained in dance class.
My parents were reasonable and let me try everything, of course. I tried my hand at t-ball, but that ended after a season or 2. No one told me when you play t-ball you sweat behind your knees, and that was NOT what I signed up for! Basketball, also short-lived, lasted a little longer than t-ball. I always liked basketball and I was pretty decent at it, but as the Shooting Stars (my basketball team of violet and gold) fizzled out, so did my basketball career. I guess soccer was next. I liked soccer a lot, and was an ever-committed defender for the Cowgirls who later turned into the Burn. (I picked out our jerseys...we were the only team with collars and we looked GOOD). Most soccer games for me were played with a ballet bun on top of my head as I had made a mad dash from Nutcracker rehearsal and changed from my tights to my cleats in the car on the way to my game. I also kicked the ball with my arms in a "low-v", if you will, with my dance hands flexed up. As time went on I grew increasingly afraid of the ball hitting me because, for one, soccer balls have more of a slap effect than a hit and when you mix that and winter tournaments with numb skin...somethin had to give. Soccer gave and I moved on to Junior High Volleyball and cheerleading. I loved Volleyball and still do. As the most awkward, chubby, brace-faced 8th grader you've ever seen, with a haircut just below my ears, I didn't strike anyone as Cheerleading captain. But Cheerleading captain I was. I still don't understand it. Thank God my older sister had paved the way for me by doing the dance team at our school or I might have gone the Volleyball or cheerleading route. (not that anything is wrong with either of those two routes- just not for me)
So now, I like to think I have grown out of my awkward stage...but that's just what I'd like to think. I'm a dance major at Texas A&M with hopes of opening my own studio with my sister in Dallas after graduation. I'm just getting started on the networking and professional side of this business, so I teach privates and group lessons when I'm home in the summer and come home for choreography jobs if I'm so lucky to have them during the year. So if you're in the Dallas area and looking for dance- let me know :)
I'm sure dance will come up again later, as I'm sure I will want to seriously discuss So you think you can dance season 7 (it just kicked off) and other things dance related. Thanks for listening to the babble, dear readers. Dancer or not, do a little jig today, you'll be better for it.
But all that is beside the point. I mentioned that dance is a big part of my life (I think) in a previous post, but since I have nothing pressing to blog about from today yet, and I just got home from teaching a delightful little girl a private lesson, I thought I'd talk about dance. (And she really was delightful, there was no sarcasm intended on my comment). Anyway, I started dancing when I was 3 I guess. I use the term "dancing" lightly, in that I took dance classes starting at the age of 3 and started actually dancing probably around 3rd grade. Poor dance loses a lot of little ones to boredom with skipping and curtseying to music while wearing tights and leotards in those first years. I guess I've always been pretty easy to entertain since I have always, even in the skipping years, been highly entertained in dance class.
My parents were reasonable and let me try everything, of course. I tried my hand at t-ball, but that ended after a season or 2. No one told me when you play t-ball you sweat behind your knees, and that was NOT what I signed up for! Basketball, also short-lived, lasted a little longer than t-ball. I always liked basketball and I was pretty decent at it, but as the Shooting Stars (my basketball team of violet and gold) fizzled out, so did my basketball career. I guess soccer was next. I liked soccer a lot, and was an ever-committed defender for the Cowgirls who later turned into the Burn. (I picked out our jerseys...we were the only team with collars and we looked GOOD). Most soccer games for me were played with a ballet bun on top of my head as I had made a mad dash from Nutcracker rehearsal and changed from my tights to my cleats in the car on the way to my game. I also kicked the ball with my arms in a "low-v", if you will, with my dance hands flexed up. As time went on I grew increasingly afraid of the ball hitting me because, for one, soccer balls have more of a slap effect than a hit and when you mix that and winter tournaments with numb skin...somethin had to give. Soccer gave and I moved on to Junior High Volleyball and cheerleading. I loved Volleyball and still do. As the most awkward, chubby, brace-faced 8th grader you've ever seen, with a haircut just below my ears, I didn't strike anyone as Cheerleading captain. But Cheerleading captain I was. I still don't understand it. Thank God my older sister had paved the way for me by doing the dance team at our school or I might have gone the Volleyball or cheerleading route. (not that anything is wrong with either of those two routes- just not for me)
So now, I like to think I have grown out of my awkward stage...but that's just what I'd like to think. I'm a dance major at Texas A&M with hopes of opening my own studio with my sister in Dallas after graduation. I'm just getting started on the networking and professional side of this business, so I teach privates and group lessons when I'm home in the summer and come home for choreography jobs if I'm so lucky to have them during the year. So if you're in the Dallas area and looking for dance- let me know :)
I'm sure dance will come up again later, as I'm sure I will want to seriously discuss So you think you can dance season 7 (it just kicked off) and other things dance related. Thanks for listening to the babble, dear readers. Dancer or not, do a little jig today, you'll be better for it.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
How do you make this thing fancy?
Well it's Wednesday now, the 16th to be exact. Today was much more productive than yesterday! Today was my sister's second fitting for her wedding dress...she was beautiful. I would post a picture of how beautiful she was, but can't because what if Campbell saw?! (That's her fiance). Also, I can't, because it's not finished yet. Also because my lack of followers makes that idea not quite worth the effort that an upload requires. I really will tell people about this once I figure out how to make it fancy and less bland as it currently is. The predicament this situation induces is this- how do I ask people how to make it fancy without giving away my secret blog? If anyone stumbles across this by mistake and happens to be a fancy blog expert feel free to give me some advice...but don't tell anyone about my blog until it meets my fancy blog standards!
After the fitting my mom, two aunts, and I went to Luke's Locker because I need a sports watch for camp when I go. (Only counselors are allowed to wear watches, and frankly I think my watch will be the only thing that distinguishes me from the 13 year old girls that will be under my supervision...so for that reason I'm thankful for the "no watch" rule for campers...that, and it makes me feel elite.) The watch I got is fancy- much cooler than this blog. It's a white Addidas sports watch with a gold face. I also ended up getting some much needed tennashoes (do you spell it "tennis shoes" even if they're not for playing tennis?) My watch is cool, but my shoes are cooler. I'm a BIG Nike fan, which is funny because I'm not a runner or an athlete. I'm just a dancer who appreciates fine athletic apparel- so sue me. Anyway the guy, Mike, who was helping me wanted me to get an 8.5 instead of an 8, but the didn't have an 8.5 in what I wanted so when it came down to cute or comfort...naturally, I picked cute. I felt like I was in a doctor's office getting the "okay" to play just because he thought it would be better for my foot to have the 8.5. After I assured him that I wouldn't be taking my charcoal/hot pink Nikes on runs, I asked him for a doctor's note to take to camp incase I needed to pull the "I can't do what you're asking me to do in these shoes" card. Mike laughed and then sold me the size 8 shoes of my dreams. Thatta boy, Mike. He knew I wouldn't be as happy with the other pair. Mike gets me. (I'll have to upload pictures of my two new favorite things soon)
So I've gotta be honest. To whom I'm being honest to, I'm not sure, so for now- Bethanystutsman.blogspot.com "Like a Virgin- blogging for the very first time"- I must apologize. I did something that I said I wouldn't do. Last night, via text, I gave away your secrecy. I told Marshall about my new found secret life of blogging. The good news is that he thought it was funny and wanted me to make him one (which I intend to do in the near future when I find myself with nothing urgent to do and no deadlines to meet...so yes, I'll probably do that after this post), however the bad news is that he posted the link on my facebook wall...Not to worry though, I deleted the post and he assured me he would do a repost without the link. I hope, Blog, that you don't take your being a temporary secret personally though because you have to know that I just want to put your best foot forward. Anyway, my next feat is to "figure out the fancy" and jazz you up a bit- after all...you deserve it. These last two days have really been special. I can't wait to better design you, load you with pictures, and watch you grow.
I'll close with this stumper- once blogging is no longer new and just a constant in my life, do I have to change my name to something other than "Like a virgin- blogging for the very first time"? I mean I guess this will always be my first blog. I'll submit, no, I don't have to change the name, but I'll let destiny do it's job and leave my blog's name to fate. For now, it's clever and it works. Now to think of an equally clever name for Marshall's blog............that's it for now, dear readers. I'll leave you with this self proclaimed proverb- Invest in some snazzy tennashoes/tennis shoes (?) today. Athlete or not, you deserve them :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I'm not telling anyone about this blog until I'm more decent at it
Well, if you're reading this right now, you must have stumbled across this blog site by mistake because I am brand new to this blogging thing and have told no one of my new endeavor. The only reason I decided to start now is because I am epically bored. It's Summer in Dallas, June 15 to be exact.
Today was beautiful, breezy Tuesday- sunny with a high of 96! In an effort to celebrate this eloquently described Summer day, I woke up at 12:20 in a full sized bed that has only been half way available for the last 3 nights as it has been covered with clothes and pillows I moved over after reluctantly deciding I wouldn't sleep on the couch- "I'll clean it up tomorrow" I thought as I sunk into bed. After 3 days waking up to the overwhelming job of cleaning my room I had cut out for me (and ignoring the task at hand 3 times over) I decided I would actually step up to the plate and conquer the room...After breakfast, of course, at noon (we'll call it brunch for my sake).
Stumbling into the kitchen, I was greeted by my Mom, Karen, already browning ground turkey meet (Stutsman family is off of ground beef permanently it seems). Mmmmmm the smell of ground turkey in the morning sends my senses soaring and my appetite running high...(for cereal. and nothing else.) I pulled out one of the 5 half-eaten bags of Honey Nut Cheerios we have in the pantry (because my family finds it easier to open a new bag right in front of us than exhaust ourselves by locating the open one- but who can blame us? The answer is no one, because it's mainly my doing.) Anyway, following the trend of the day, we were out of milk, so I defaulted to enjoying dry Cheerios out of the bag whilst seeing what new things facebook had for me that morning. Sadly, again, facebook let me down, showing that the one and only notification I had was a confirmed friend request of someone I had friended a day or two before. *sigh*...
Summer has been marked with a very open schedule, against my will mind you, because most of my friends are off at their respective Summer camps being counselors. Though I say that in a grumbly tone, I actually count myself blessed to have a group of friends committed to serving the Lord with their Summers by hanging out and loving on kids. (And I get to do the same at Kanakuk ((k2)) starting July 17!) But until then I will continue to check the mail every day with crossed fingers for a letter...sometimes it works!
This blog edition, however started when I had given up on doing something social tonight. I had plans to go to a dance recital for a local studio that I usually go to, and really enjoy! However, no one I talked to was as enthusiastic about going so I decided to swallow my pride and go alone...until I realized it was currently 4:45 and it started at 5:30 instead of 7:30 like I thought....oh woe is me. So tonight I have made plans to go to the studio and work on some much needed choreography, which I am just as happy to do! I need new songs to dance to though...once I am a famous blogger and everyone knows about me you can all send me song ideas to feed my ever-choreographing mind :)
Oh did I mention I dance? That's a blog for a different time I guess. I've blabbed on enough. So good bye for now, dear readers. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday :)
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