Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How do you make this thing fancy?

Well it's Wednesday now, the 16th to be exact. Today was much more productive than yesterday! Today was my sister's second fitting for her wedding dress...she was beautiful. I would post a picture of how beautiful she was, but can't because what if Campbell saw?! (That's her fiance). Also, I can't, because it's not finished yet. Also because my lack of followers makes that idea not quite worth the effort that an upload requires. I really will tell people about this once I figure out how to make it fancy and less bland as it currently is. The predicament this situation induces is this- how do I ask people how to make it fancy without giving away my secret blog?  If anyone stumbles across this by mistake and happens to be a fancy blog expert feel free to give me some advice...but don't tell anyone about my blog until it meets my fancy blog standards! 
After the fitting my mom, two aunts, and I went to Luke's Locker because I need a sports watch for camp when I go. (Only counselors are allowed to wear watches, and frankly I think my watch will be the only thing that distinguishes me from the 13 year old girls that will be under my for that reason I'm thankful for the "no watch" rule for campers...that, and it makes me feel elite.) The watch I got is fancy- much cooler than this blog. It's a white Addidas sports watch with a gold face. I also ended up getting some much needed tennashoes (do you spell it "tennis shoes" even if they're not for playing tennis?) My watch is cool, but my shoes are cooler. I'm a BIG Nike fan, which is funny because I'm not a runner or an athlete. I'm just a dancer who appreciates fine athletic apparel- so sue me. Anyway the guy, Mike, who was helping me wanted me to get an 8.5 instead of an 8, but the didn't have an 8.5 in what I wanted so when it came down to cute or comfort...naturally, I picked cute. I felt like I was in a doctor's office getting the "okay" to play just because he thought it would be better for my foot to have the 8.5. After I assured him that I wouldn't be taking my charcoal/hot pink Nikes on runs, I asked him for a doctor's note to take to camp incase I needed to pull the "I can't do what you're asking me to do in these shoes" card. Mike laughed and then sold me the size 8 shoes of my dreams. Thatta boy, Mike. He knew I wouldn't be as happy with the other pair. Mike gets me. (I'll have to upload pictures of my two new favorite things soon) 
So I've gotta be honest. To whom I'm being honest to, I'm not sure, so for now- "Like a Virgin- blogging for the very first time"- I must apologize.  I did something that I said I wouldn't do. Last night, via text, I gave away your secrecy. I told Marshall about my new found secret life of blogging. The good news is that he thought it was funny and wanted me to make him one (which I intend to do in the near future when I find myself with nothing urgent to do and no deadlines to yes, I'll probably do that after this post), however the bad news is that he posted the link on my facebook wall...Not to worry though, I deleted the post and he assured me he would do a repost without the link. I hope, Blog, that you don't take your being a temporary secret personally though because you have to know that I just want to put your best foot forward. Anyway, my next feat is to "figure out the fancy" and jazz you up a bit- after deserve it. These last two days have really been special. I can't wait to better design you, load you with pictures, and watch you grow.  

I'll close with this stumper- once blogging is no longer new and just a constant in my life, do I have to change my name to something other than "Like a virgin- blogging for the very first time"? I mean I guess this will always be my first blog. I'll submit, no, I don't have to change the name, but I'll let destiny do it's job and leave my blog's name to fate. For now, it's clever and it works. Now to think of an equally clever name for Marshall's blog............that's it for now, dear readers. I'll leave you with this self proclaimed proverb- Invest in some snazzy tennashoes/tennis shoes (?) today. Athlete or not, you deserve them :) 

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