(Clearing my throat) It was a good week, but when the weekend rolled around, it couldn't have been more needed! I finished up on Friday, having had the hardest day in dance classes YET, followed by an hour on the pilates equipment, and a psychology class that I attended in sweat. Friday night (and yes, I did have to think for 5 minutes about what I did on Friday night....(Heaven help me when I'm 80...)...anyway, on Friday night, BEN RECTOR did a personal concert inside the Theta house! It was bomb. Here's photo documentation....
After being serenaded by a married man...*sigh*....me and my comrades searched for our next destination (on account of we showered and looked cute, so movie night with the girls wasn't going to cut it)....photo documentation again...
[I realize now, after posting this, that you, reader, may not think we look exceptionally cute and may infact contend that we would have been doing ourselves no injustice to have movie night with the girls. In which case...point taken...but still I will tell my tale] We found ourselves, in no time, sitting in my living room watching television and uploading pictures, while we exhausted our resources of friends trying to find our next social scene. After I had grown impatient, and facebook had no new information for me, I stood up and said, "I'm going to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard.....WHO'S WITH ME?" (of course it didn't go quite like that, I actually remember offering the idea, and then finally winning them over when I reminded them that Blizzards now came in a size more petite than small) We arrived at DQ and all admitted that, although it was the excessively small blizzard size that got us here, we would all be swallowing our pride and ordering a regular sized frozen treat. Long story short, and a lot of aimless driving in between, we ended up at one of our guys' friend's houses, now formally known as the "Monte Cristo", (as announced on Saturday) where we hung out for about 45 minutes to justify our showering before retreating to our designated homes for the night.
SATURDAY...probably one of my favorite days thus far, this semester. On Saturday, a group of 7 girls went to Heidi's house in Katy to lay out by her pool, enjoy some exceptional (and as far as we were concerned, gourmet) food, prepared by none other than Heidi's super mom, Wendy Thomson :) It was game day in College Station, but it was lazy day in Katy. It's always SO nice to get away from the fast-paced college town, and spend time with family (be it yours or your friend's). For lunch, Mrs. Thomson made us chicken salad sandwiches on croissants with fruit, chips, and raspberry lemonade (are you salivating?) and for dinner she made us (on account of my PERSONAL request)....tacos. Mrs. Thomson's are the best. They. Are. So. Good...and don't get me started on dessert...it was vanilla pudding with cool whip and a bit of cream cheese, on top of a crushed oreo crust, with quartered oreos decorating the top. None of us were hungry when we started dinner, but we couldn't stop it with that stuff. It was bad. It was bad, until I noted that we were going to be fine because after some careful investigation, I found the oreos were in fact NOT double stuffed. That would have just been too much.
Shortly after dinner, we drove our charred little behinds back to college station, where we played the "marry, kiss, or kill" game. Heidi assured us that it was a road trip classic. (So if you were thinking about judging us for that, you can stop because it wasn't an option- it's part of the experience.) When we returned to College Station, we all groomed ourselves a bit and then headed back over to the Monte Cristo for some good ol' "Apples to Apples" and some solid hang out time with friends. Have I mentioned that I love my friends? I guess that's a topic for another entry, but seriously, I don't know why y'all let me hang out wit you- you're all top notch.
I ended the weekend with a lazy Sunday that started with a message at Grace Bible that I so desperately needed to hear! Basically it was about rejoicing in suffering and the rewards we receive when we do. Can I just say that God absolutely met me where I am and proved Himself to me yet again? (I guess I can, because I make the rules on this blog). But seriously, it was unreal. After that I went to lunch with one of my besties, Blerina. We had a great conversation over a cheese pizza and my tortilla soup. I love spending time with her! Everything in me wanted to come home and do lots of reading, but I just had WAY too much facebooking to do...it's terribly unfortunate : / I am finishing up laundry, and sitting in a bed with fresh sheets and pillow cases! It's a good feeling :) I hear the Cowboys are playing....that's cool. I'm from Dallas. I'm gonna get back to...well I'm not sure, but I'm finished here for now. Until next time dear readers, I'll leave you with this...1 Peter 1:6-7 "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith- of greater worth than GOLD, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
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