I did somethin wrong, that's for sure. I feel like I am the most abnormal person in the world. Let me explain- currently my left arm is cradled in a yellow, Target {half-zip} fleece that I have crafted to act as a sling for my aching arm. Y'all I'm freaking out. I have NO idea what's wrong, but the pain caused by the weight of my own arm hanging at my side is enough to make me want to scream! My head (starting just below my ear), down the side of my neck, and all across the top of my shoulder {only on the left side, mind you} HURTS! I had ballet this morning, and modern right after that- nothing. No pain, and no injury inducing occurrences either{besides my ankle, which is a completely different (but not as entertaining) story}.
I started feeling a little somethin-somethin in my psychology class at 1:50, but I didn't think anything of it. When I came home and showered, it definitely hurt to reach up to shampoo my hair, but it didn't make me want to cry. A few hours later, however, not only could I not bear to reach up to put my hair in a ponytail, but I had the yellow "sling" {described above} wrapped around me as I waddled out to the TV room to ask my roommates if they had ever dislocated their shoulders. One of my roommates had actually dislocated her shoulder, and after a description of her experience, I think it's obvious that I did not dislocate my shoulder...Here's a picture of poor pathetic me, in my self-designed sling- I know one thing's for sure- this sling I made is solid evidence that I am my father's daughter. He totally would have done the same thing.

Ok, so this picture reminds me!....Check out my new window!! There's actually nothing new about it. The window is an antique one {duh, antiques are my favorite} but it has been sitting in my closet for some time now because I couldn't put it up myself. {I know guys, believe it or not, I'm not a natural with a hammer and nail.} Joe was over last night and did the honors. Hallelujah! {<--I think that's the first time I've spelled that word correctly on my first try...without using spell check}Joe actually has a blog of his own. But I'm not allowed to give you the URL, on account of it is still in its beginning stages...sorry guyzzz. Remember when my blog was a secret? Those were the days...*sigh*... {Here's Joe...he just shaved his face except for his stash...obviously} Don't y'all love it???

This is random, but I wish I had more followers. I just became bff's with a super-blogger, Melody. She has like 80 followers. If you read my blog, but haven't committed, will you just do it? Please :) Melody, if you're reading, your excessive amount of followers is impressive.
I had lunch with Blerina this week. I love Blerina. Wanna see a picture of me and Blerina? Isn't she just the prettiest? I look like a bug with those glasses........stinkin American Eagle...{I have something against American Eagle for reasons I'm not sure of, but it made me so bitter to have to buy those sunglasses to float the river. And this picture- me lookin like a bug- makes me even more bitter} Forget you, American Eagle.
So this is kind of funny and ironic- My friend, Caroline and I were working on our Nutrition project that is due tomorrow. Basically what we had to do was write down everything {and I mean everything} we had to eat or drink in a 3 day period and plug it into this computer program. The devilish little program took everything and separated it into calorie categories, nutrients, vitamins, saturated fats....and on and on. I wasn't too surprised with my results {that were far from ideal, according to my personal recommended food pyramid based on my age, height, weight, and activity level} So after spending a good number of hours compiling this information of my terrible diet, I asked Caroline if she was up for a late night Whataburger run. She was. Hope we ace the project!
Ya know what else? {allow me to make the BIGGEST most UN-NATURAL transition from the last topic}...I think I want to adopt little babies. When I'm old enough to be doing that, of course. Not that I don't think my parents wouldn't be cool with me having children from different countries running around calling me "mom" as a sophomore in college...I just think, I probably wouldn't have that much time to study, that's all. {After re-reading that, I feel like I should clarify that, that was definitely sarcasm about there only being one reason to not have children now...there's lots. But eventually... munchkins from all over would be the bomb} My sister, Sarah and I were talking about this and she said something I love: "I love the idea of having a family that's all different colors." Amen to that, sista.
{insert picture of me and my multi-skin toned family}
Romans 8:22-25 "We konw that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our ADOPTION as sons, the redemption of our bodes. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." <-- I read that verse in my quiet time yesterday actually...so maybe that's what re-opened this can of worms. But whether or not I ever actually adopt, I respect, so much, the process, patience, conviction, and passionately unconditional love that adoptive parents have for their children. Because let's be honest...raise your hand if you think this world can handle another little someone running around with MY DNA?
Everyone who has accepted Christ as their savior has been adopted into His kingdom, and been given the completely undeserved chance gift of being called His child. If you don't believe in adoption- believe in it now, because as believers, adoption is what saved us.
So, I think that's it for me tonight. Let's recap- I have a bum arm that is suspended from a yellow fleece. I love Blerina. I have no grasp of food's nutritional value. And adoption seems like something I might like, along with the rest of the world that can't handle a mini-me. Chew on that. K...hasta la vista, babies!
Nothin but love,