That's when she whipped out the razor. I'll upload pictures of my bald head when I get some!
Just kidding. But I WILL upload pictures of my exceptionally shorter hair soon!
.........{Before I talk about my weekend, let's talk about how I got the most legit little in PC '10! Sarah Noland, ladies and gentlemen!} For reveal we all had to decorate a humongo box with our little's name on it to get inside and let them find us. Sarah Stimson helped me think of what to do, but needless to say I was the only girl with my box upside down, not decorated like a present, and dressed to match my box's theme. Congrats to my little, Sarah have NO idea what you're getting yourself into :)

I went home this weekend for the aTm-Arkansas game. Except I didn't go to the game. Typical? Yes. I had a ticket, but the more I thought about it, the less sense it made to go. As you all probably know, my sister Sarah is getting married in TWO weeks now!! Can you believe it?! Ahhh, don't you feel like it was just YESTERDAY that she got engaged?? Of course you don't- I started blogging months after the engagement. But it really does seem like time flashed right before my eyes. Anywayzzzz, I couldn't go because Sarah had a shower that afternoon and that's what I came home for. I would have had to leave the shower early or not even go to make it to the game among the mass chaos that is aggies and razorbacks.
The shower was lovely. The house was amazing. Sarah and I went on and on about how cool the house was. The lady who owns it is just amazingly creative and talented. It was a nice house, but nothing was her decorating that made our jaws drop. Creativity can be such a talent! I should have taken pictures...But that's creepy. I think she should just start a blog.
I'm trying to think of my latest revelation to share with my blog family. I think that the latest is what I want to do with my summer! Ok, here it is: I want to dance in LA this summer. Exciting right?! So now it's do I get there? I really want to study abroad! I feel like it's just something you should do if you can and have the opportunity. BUTTT.....when considering that my major is dance and study abroad programs in that genre are limited...I decided to get creative. I want to "study abroad" in Los Angelos, California!! I'm currently in communication with a studio there working on a potential internship, but I'm not getting my hopes up {I realize that I'm being vulnerable sharing this information with my blog population because it's not set in stone, and could very well be thrown back in my face...but that's just a risk I'm willing to take} My friend Jenna and I would go together {which would be SO fun!} She's the awesome one who takes all my dance pictures, and is just a really talented photographer, latina, and friend {not to mention she's a THETA. Whoop!} I'm still praying a lot about this summer because as much as I want to go to LA, I would rather be where the Lord wants me, and that hasn't been made perfectly clear yet.

Here's my latest revelation in terms of this potential plan: I don't need to be on a mission trip, working at a summer camp, or vacation bible school to have a spiritually awakening summer...Now let me make myself very clear....those things are wonderful, and working at a summer camp last summer absolutely and completely changed my life. If I don't go back, it in no way means that I didn't love every minute of it! BUTTT, I feel like I am at a point in my faith now that I don't have to be in a place that specializes in ministry to talk about Jesus. This world is a mission field. I like to compare it to this: {girls} when you like a boy, someeehowww every conversation inevitably turns to him. You like him so much you just can't help but talk about him!...That's how it is for me with Jesus now. I have always been ABLE to talk about him, but I've never been in a situation where I can't HELP but talk about him.......well I am now, and that's why I'm entertaining the thought of this LA trip. Because LA needs Jesus just as much as kids at a camp.
Welp...that's all I got for today...I'm just gonna keep sitting here, looking busy, when I'm actually just facebooking until I can justify taking a shower for meeting. It's only 3:30 and meeting is at 6:30 so taking one right now is just too over-zealous. Yay for Mondays and psychology being cancelled and ballet teachers telling us we're allowed to dance in halloween costumes for halloween! Until next time...cut your hair short if you want to. Go crazy! Hair grows and life's too short to find your identity in your hair-do. Oh, and while you're at it, don't wait for summer camp to talk about Jesus.
Nothin but love,
Bethany- I realize this is really random that I am commenting on your blog BUT I just wanted to tell you that I support you wanting to go to LA because hey, I want to go to NYC...because NYC needs Jesus. So I feel ya girl! Just thought I would tell you!
ReplyDeletenot random at all- i love it! comments make my day...i'm serious. i want to hear about NY- that's awesome! do you have plans to go?!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog!!! K, here's a thought: how 'bout change the LA to NC and come teach ballet at our school and help start a dance worship team at our church! No, seriously, I just couldn't help but say that because I'm in the process of trying to find a ballet teacher to teach for our 3 and 4's at the preschool. I'm having a hard time finding someone to teach in the morning. And my dream is to have a interpretive dance team at our church. The thing is, you have no idea how hilarious that is because of the type of church we're at right now. They are so not ready for a dance team right now....but in a few years....possibly. It's been my dream for more than five years though. Rambling. Sorry.
ReplyDeletewait....can i seriously make that my back up plan if LA falls through? Or make plans for that to be my next summer internship? That would be a ball!
ReplyDeleteUmmm...yes, you can seriously consider that. I'm praying LA falls through. Just Kidding....won't pray that way. I love how you want what God wants for you more than what you want for yourself. You will be deeply satisfied wherever He places you. I look forward to seeing how it all unfolds.