Monday, November 8, 2010

Oh where, where, where to start...?

My Aunt Suzanne {Dad's sister} just gave me the compliment of the century by telling me that she used my last "pillow case" blog to help teach writing to her 4th graders! She explained that she used my entry because she was trying to teach students who feel they don't have anything to write about, that you can write about anything- even pillow cases! {though, I think I've made it clear that my pillow case isn't just anything.} She said (jokingly, I'm sure) that I could perhaps make a guest appearance for the class...I think that would make my life! (joking, of course) <-- ((who am I kidding?....That is absolutely not a joke.))

Anywho! For a Monday, life is swell! Started the day off right by waking up a whopping 15 minutes before my ballet class started. Good thing I'm a quick mover in the morning, because I made a mad dash to get ready, and was out the door in less than 7 minutes! Lucky for me, we had a sub in dance today, so I could get by with wearing a ponytail instead of a bun to class. Here's the kicker- doesn't it seem like every time you come in somewhere running late, all out of breath and sweaty from running, and just pure end up with 5 minutes to spare anyways?! Why yes, this DOES apply to my morning. I rushed in to see all my fellow ballerinas sitting outside the studio, still in their clothes, gabbing about their weekends, waiting on our substitute teacher. I totally would have had time to put my hair in a bun...or eat breakfast...or grab my computer...or brush my teeth....hehe just kidding- I made time to brush my teeth :)

The sub for ballet was crazy. I mean that chick was insane. She was one of those little tiny compact people who claims to be a person just like you and I. But you know better! It's really just human's equivalent to an energy drink, sent to earth to make you feel bad about your lack of energy in the morning. One of those... "I'm 40 and I can dance circles around you at 9:30 in the morning, don't you feel bad about yourself?!" Well, nutty ballet professor, I DON'T feel bad about myself for being a normal person who drags a little in the morning, because I'm on to of energy pretending to be a dance teacher. She also mumbled a lot and talked to herself...and made this clicky noise with her tongue as she explained things....................she was in great shape though.

I don't think I ever put pictures up from when we got to dress up for Halloween in Ballet! It was SO much fun!! {Shout out to Marshall who lent me the costume}
I'm there on the right dressed as Buzz Lightyear
Buzz got kinda hot as the class went on...
So a lot of times, I go ahead and make photo documentation for random things I don't want to forget to blog about. And this is one of those times...AMC (Aggie Men's Club) had their annual barn dance last week (or the week before?) and I went with my friend, and dance partner (for songfest...i'll explain that later) Bill! He's fun to dance with because I feel like, to a certain degree, we have a similar sense of humor, so we laugh a lot, which makes an intense practice a little more light-hearted. This is how he asked me...
"A cheesy Fall card to enjoy, and an invitation to Barn Dance!!" [Check yes or no] 

Needless to say, I checked a big heck yes

A few days before barn dance we had Theta date party with Pi Phi..the theme was...Halloween. It was an ordeal to get in the stinkin party because Theta's (respectable) rules state that any party we host must be monitored by police officers. Our 8 hired popos didn't show so we had to sit on the bus with our dates and WATCH the pi phis party for over an was frustrating, but we finally got in! Me and my date went as Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber :)
Happy Halloween 
My friend, Sarah Stimson, who has seen her fair share of blog highlights and shout-outs/ats, has done it again. She recently took me on a photographic extravaganza into the depths of College Station, revealing the secret nicks and crannys I had NEVER seen before! Here are a few of the 80 million....

My dear, dear friend, Courtney came in town this weekend for the OU vs. A&M game! It was the first game of the season I attended...oops. Courtney graduated this last year, and we met this summer working at K2 together. You REAL loyal bloggy people may remember her, as she and our time-off adventures  were blogged about during 2-4's from kamp. Courtney is a stud. She'll be in "Bring it on" the musical in a couple months! It starts in Atlanta, and I really REALLY want to be able to see her perform! Her birthday is tomorrow, by the way. It was a great weekend: got to catch up over dinner on Friday, started Saturday out right with breakfast tacos at the Clapp's (Marshall's parent's) tailgate {nom nom nom nom...they were yummy!} then we had about a 2 hour nap before getting ready for the big game where A&M won!!! (it was funny becuase Court got the tickets so I was with a buncha OU fans.......whoop!)
Morning tailgate! (oops...probably should have taken my sunglasses off...)
Well, I think that'll do for now...something upcoming, that I'm hoping to have lots to blog about is a high school retreat I get to go on and be a leader for some Kingwood High School girls! I don't know them and they don't know me, but I'm excited to learn about the unknown :) This week, I'm praying for confidence on my part to dive right in and be intentional right away with girls, as well as moldable and approachable hearts for these girls. A weekend is not a long time, but I'm not a savior. I'm more than confident that my savior can use me, His weary tool to do an awesome work in a weekend's brief time! I'd love for you to join me in praying for the same thing! I just finished Romans last night, and I'm clinging to every word inside that book, letting it be my battle cry for the weekend, and ever-after. Happy Monday, dear readers :) Find a friend who sees things differently than you from behind a lens, and pray for YOUR upcoming weekend! Yes, it's already set in stone according to God's perfect plan, but even Jesus appreciates the encouragement!

Nothin but love,

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