Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Meshing

2 of my favorite things are dance and fashion. I've started a little photo collection of the two art forms meshed :)

Just kind of beautiful, don't ya think?

Nothin but love,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I wish...

1) I wish to go to Paris. I have been struck with the reality that I am a vacationer and not a traveler. This, by no means, is me saying that I have not loved every beach I have been to, or that I would not jump at the chance to go to any of them a million times over! What this means is that my heart skipped a beat when I realized that I could live this whole life having not seen even a fraction of this world. If ever my financial situations permit, one day I would like to go to Europe. I'd like to get a peek at a different corner of the universe.

2) Next year I wish for a bed that lays flat. My bed here in College Station is lovely. However it sits at a slight incline which has indirectly turned my full sized bed into a twin. I sleep on the right side. I snooze wonderfully, don't get me wrong. But I think next year I want to use the sleep-space I've got for all it's worth...even if that means just keepin the mattress on the floor. I could put a nice rug underneath...we'll see. Wait...................I change my mind. I want my bed to look like these...or I refuse to sleep!

3) I wish for a yellow lab puppy who never grows past a few months. I want him to not shed and cuddle with me every time I ask. I'd like for him to fall asleep when I fall asleep, with his lil' puppy nose nestled between my neck and shoulder, and wake up when I wake up. I'd like him to never have to pee, and never go through an "everything-is-a-chew-toy" phase. It would be nice if he cleaned up my room while I was at school, and greeted me with a hug upon my every return. (I have always ALWAYS longed for dogs to be able to hug...and a select few of them to speak)

4) I wish to never wear a t-shirt for the rest of my life. (But I'm not willing to take the one off that I'm wearing currently)

5) I deeply wish to cut all of my hair off to look like Twiggy. And then the moment I grow bored of my pixie cut, I want to sprinkle glitter on my head that grows my hair into the excessively long, thick, one length, middle-parted flowing hair that I envy in every Free People magazine, and that my head just could never grow.

6) I wish my nails would paint themselves. And I wish that nail polish wasn't wet.

7) I wish that I was a napper

8) For one day I wish to be these things: an indian, 6 feet tall, someone who enjoys math, a hippie, a prima ballerina, a writer, a model, a model's photographer, a puppy, part of a fairy tale

Wishing is fun, but I like reality because it's real

Nothin but love,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

this post is not about love

Valentine's Day is tomorrow and just in case tomorrow is too crazy-busy to post, I decided to do it a day early! This post in not about love. This post is about the most well-decorated, advertised, and feel-good-for-no-reason holiday there is, as far as I'm concerned. (And for all you boyfriendless girls sticking their noses in the air at my optimistic v-day-p.o.v., you should know that I, too, am single)


{i found it here}

So if you've got a man, don't you feel guilty about ditching the girls to celebrate with a boy tomorrow. But more importantly, if you're single, don't throw yourself a pity party...and don't deny the holiday a celebration! Celebrate heart shaped sandwiches, wearing pink and red together without guilt, heart-shaped doilies, and a chance to tell your friends you love them via miniature, cheesy cards!

Nothin but love,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A house is not a home

Living situations for next year have gone haywire on multiple accounts. Without explaining every detail of the story, just know that this group and our plans have undergone many curve balls...and none of us is good at baseball...

 Long story short, we had planned to live in the house that I live in currently. After a series of unfortunate events, a different group will be living here come next fall, leaving us in a desperate pursuit of a home. I have been angry, sad, enraged, and without hope in this mess (not to mention helpless since, as it is, we are pretty much under the same real estate company's mercy who helped with the mess).

I'm reading Crazy Love right now, and this morning Jesus calmed me down by giving me the perfect piece of literature I needed to meet me where I'm at. I sent what I read in a text message to my roomies: "When people gladly sacrifice their time or comfort or HOME, itis obvious that they trust in the promises of God"...the background with this is that the author had sold his home and moved his family to something smaller so that they would be able to give more away to those in need- the poor, the lost, the hungry who God told us to show generosity. It's not that my new roommates and I are down grading by any means (my current house isn't anything special...I just get territorial, I suppose) it's just that it doesn't matter where we live. And for this moment, at least...(my flesh may take over again) I'm glad we got to give the other group the home they wanted.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Clementine (minus our most honorary member: LAUREN PAINE)
Currently homeless, not hopeless

Nothin but love,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Desperate Measures

So I have this rotten thing called Achilles Tendinitis. It's horrid. It's especially horrid when you dance every day of your life. So it's a re-occurring injury that doesn't prevent me from dancing, but it does limit me a lot. The tendinitis comes and goes in phases, but when it comes...it stays way longer than it is welcome.

We had a guest artist in town this week from New Jersey teaching all of our classes. While explaining something entirely different, he mentioned an exercise that he did when he had achilles tendinitis....so of course I asked him all about it today. Exercises are one thing, but he said that his saving grace was ice baths.


It's so cold already and the thing that will help me most is submerging my entire foot in a bath of ice water. I shouldn't forget to mention that today when I went to catch the bus, it was 19 degrees outside. 19. So you can imagine that dunking my foot in a bucket of ice water was the LAST thing I wanted to do when I got home today.

...But I did it anyway....

And I held a heating pad while I did it. It only hurt excruciatingly until it went numb.

Stay warm dear readers

Nothin but love,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is how I walked around campus today
I heard it would be terribly, dreadfully cold today. I also heard it might rain. This morning I had a big decision to make- Do I prepare for the rain or the cold? I settled for a happy medium with my Theta rain coat/wind breaker and high top sperrys instead of rain boots. Bad decision? Perhaps. Only because, not a single drop fell from the sky since the wee hours of the morning. I tweeted (because, yes I do that now, and will therefore be changing the tag under my blog title soon) that everyone on campus today looked like they were about to cry. I call it the "frigid face". When one is so cold and helpless in their current climate that the mean mug they make from constant sniffing and utter disgust at their own circumstances, the "frigid face" is the best look they can muster.

What's worse?

Yesterday I wore shorts. 

Nothin but love,