Living situations for next year have gone haywire on multiple accounts. Without explaining every detail of the story, just know that this group and our plans have undergone many curve balls...and none of us is good at baseball...
Long story short, we had planned to live in the house that I live in currently. After a series of unfortunate events, a different group will be living here come next fall, leaving us in a desperate pursuit of a home. I have been angry, sad, enraged, and without hope in this mess (not to mention helpless since, as it is, we are pretty much under the same real estate company's mercy who helped with the mess).
I'm reading Crazy Love right now, and this morning Jesus calmed me down by giving me the perfect piece of literature I needed to meet me where I'm at. I sent what I read in a text message to my roomies: "When people gladly sacrifice their time or comfort or HOME, itis obvious that they trust in the promises of God"...the background with this is that the author had sold his home and moved his family to something smaller so that they would be able to give more away to those in need- the poor, the lost, the hungry who God told us to show generosity. It's not that my new roommates and I are down grading by any means (my current house isn't anything special...I just get territorial, I suppose) it's just that it doesn't matter where we live. And for this moment, at least...(my flesh may take over again) I'm glad we got to give the other group the home they wanted.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Clementine (minus our most honorary member: LAUREN PAINE)
Currently homeless, not hopeless
Nothin but love,
Bethany your spirit, girl. I am praying for your motley crew to find a place you can call home soon. And who knows, maybe it will have a dance floor in it or something beyond your imganation awesome. Okay, so probably a dance floor is NOT what you want to see after dancing all freakin' day long but you get what I mean. Seriously, praying for your next home...heyyyy.....could this be your sign that it's time to move to NC????? Haaa!!! I know...the freakazoid NC stalker girl wore that joke out a long time ago.
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