Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Freak show

Today in Pilates we were learning some new moves on our reformers. If you don't know much about pilates, the apparatus (equipment) we work out on is called a reformer. {It's basically like a bowflex for dancers} Anyway, everyone uses the reformers, but I have to use what's called a cadillac because my legs are longer than the rest of the class's . Not to mention, they are too long for my body, so things get a little tricky.

Reformer. Don't you just love this guy?

So back to the new moves.....we learned something called "prone arm extension"...or something. Usually when we learn a new move, we all gather around someone's reformer and she explains it while someone demonstrates it, and then the more tricky moves, we all try under the group's supervision so that we know what to watch out for/avoid doing before we attempt them on our own. So everyone tries this move, and then before we go to the next one, I say "hey what about me?" She had forgotten. ugh.

Anyway, I get up there to do it, on my stomach, arms reaching behind and above my body, holding onto springs suspended above my head...and she stops me, adjusts me. Typical. But then she and the other teacher in the room stop me and get me straightened up because I was all crooked. When they did, I told them that I felt like I was in a zig-zag. Only one of my hips was touching the surface. It felt weird, but they swore I was straight. So after another attmept, they both freaked out and made me stand up.

They were all like "oh my gosh, do you see that?!" She had the class gather round me while I stood with my back facing them. They started going to town pointing out things that weren't right in my body and poking around to feel my bones and muscles.

I've got one hip that is way higher than the other, but the opposite shoulder (from that hip) ((the left shoulder)) is wayyy higher than the other, BUT my right scapula sticks out of my back more. (I cannot keep my scapulas in my back for the life of me) {{how have I never noticed all this??}} and all of that is because my right femur is severely longer than my left one. They think I've got tibial torsion or scoliosis...or something.

So they recommended only lifting things with my left arm.

And then we kept going...except that took like 20 minutes so it was pretty much time to go.

Turns out I'm a zig-zag. I don't think I'll ever be able to look in the mirror the same. Now all I see is a steep slope from my left shoulder to my right.

Welcome to the freak show

Nothin but love,


  1. fact: one of my legs is 1.75 cm longer then the other make my back crooked aka scoliosis.

    welcome to the club!

  2. Oh yeah! I forgot you had scoliosis! Haha, mine is all speculation still, but if ever it is diagnosed I might ask ya for some advice beyond carrying my back pack on my left shoulder

  3. You are no where near the freak show that William is with his crazy scapula chicken wing!
