Thursday, December 22, 2011

Recent Refashion

Well, Sarah, you're going to be peeved, but I did a refashion.

Ok so this adorable Anthropologie light blue sweater(ish) thing has been in my sister's closet at my parent's house for YEARS! My sister no longer lives at the house because she is married and lives with a boy now, but this little number didn't make the cut when she made the move. I have been crushing on it every time I've been home this semester, trying to figure out what the dang thing looks right with. I came to the conclusion that it looks right with I had to fix it.

Here's how it started. Really cute, but when you put it on, the sleeves are excessively long and won't stay pushed up on me.

So I cut them shorter and made a cuff

Lastly...I had some extra fabric left over from the shortened sleeves, so I added little bows to the sleeves!

So, anyway, I'm excited to finally be able to wear it! And Sarah, feel free to take advantage of the update....or I guess you could technically take it back if you really wanted to......................... : /

Happy Holidays! I'm hoping to be able to do a lot more refashion projects over the break, so stay tuned!

Nothin but love,