Thursday, August 22, 2013

I'm back! I'm back!

Okay...out with it...I have not blogged in seriously FOREVER. I had actually made the personal decision that I was just done with it. However, a while ago I started keeping a list of random thoughts that I think about random things in a note on my phone. Recently, the note on my phone has become obnoxiously long, so I decided to make a tumblr account to get the thoughts out and finally delete the novel note. These are just little blurbs. Check em out or don't, but they can be found at

The quick little blurb fashion of the tumblr is good for me right now, but I think I could see myself coming back to the good ol' blog at some point. We'll see!

Nothin' but love,


1 comment:

  1. Oh come on and start blogging again! I was like you and stopped for a long time. Got a new blog site and then quit again but back for another who knows how long.
