Monday, August 30, 2010

I walked home from school today

Ok, first of all, consider the last post  a grand make up for a lot of days missed due to recruitment.

NOW......we had to make "personality pages" for the new Theta babies so that they can get an idea of the people they're about to be associated with, and who will eventually become the new members of their Theta family :) So I thought it would be fun to share pieces of mine via blog. But first!...summa my Thaytah fraynds on day 1!

Hokay....personality page.....BETHANY STUTSMAN PC '09

dance. Jesus. snacking. diet coke. laughing. my family. estate sales. the smell of white out. doing hair. fashion. the food network. SYTYCD (So you think you can dance). peeling things. dogs. blogging. kanakuk. peanut butter. the sound of crinkling newspaper. weddings. boys that smell good. the beach. writing. my cousin, ella. glasses. did i mention dance?

John 16:33
"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. I this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." 

running. mushrooms. hamstrings. waking up early. driving. having bad seats at shows. twitter. myspace. being pale. people chewing with their mouth open. home depot. the bank. being late. swimming in the ocean. the smell of exhaust from big trucks. waking up from naps in a weird mood. running errands by myself. not dancing. (below is my "dislike" face) 

Hmmmm...that's interesting...
i sleep with one eye open. i've never had a "PB&J". my dad is officially "america's funniest dentist". i've never dyed my hair. i can talk inside my mouth. i'd always rather be on a beach. 

Doesn't all this nonsense make you want to be a Theta, and more specifically, MY little sis?? Probs not, but unfortunately for someone, i WILL have a little in Theta, and all of these things will remain true. 

1 comment:

  1. Im only slightly concerned that you love to Dance more than Jesus. But I mean... I guess I get that. I hope you have the prettiest and tannest theta baby EVER as your lil.
    love always,
