It's hard for me to believe. I don't know much about him besides that Osama Bin Laden headed up an agency of evil for quite some time. I know that he has been in hiding for the past 10 years since the tragedy of September 11th, and that to ensure his safety, men actually got plastic surgery to look like him so that if someone was to capture and kill Osama, the chances of it actually being him were slim to none. ((Travis told me that))
Last night after hearing the chilling news, I was folding laundry in my room and asking myself this question: "If I some how found myself where he was near his death, would I have the courage to tell Osama about my Jesus who's grace is bigger than Osama's evil?" And then after considering that, I thought about the bizarreness of the fact that if indeed Osama had taken that opportunity to accept grace, that despite EVERYTHING- all the people he killed, families he broke, torture he took pleasure in- even Osama Bin Laden would have been walking the streets of heaven with me when my time comes. *CRAZY*...but that's just how insane the truth is.
(Deep transitional breath) There are a few things that I wanted to share since my last post. Whether or not I get to all of them, first on the list is Easter! Happy (late) Easter, dear readers! I hope everyone had some good time to relax and perhaps got to spend time with people you love. I hope you were able to (have fun with, but) get past the egg hunts, and egg shaped peanut butter m&m's that I so adore and remember the reason for the season.
This is where I got to spend my Easter weekend for the second year in a row! Our good friends, the Goolsby's, have a ranch in Blanco, Texas (Just outside of Austin where they live). The ranch, as you can see, is definitely not lacking in scenery. My family, along with our other family friends, the Miller's, and Robin, Ashley's (Mrs. Goolsby) sister spent Friday and Saturday night out here. I don't have many pictures from this year, (and now facebook doesn't allow you to drag pictures in other people's albums from facebook to iPhoto so I can't show you the ones Ashley took either) Booo!!
Apparentlyyyyy it was all my idea to go back to the ranch for Easter for the second year in a row. ((When I say "apparently" I mean that it definitely was, and that I shamelessly invited all of us to a ranch that does not belong to me)) haha that's ok right? Right or wrong, I always enjoy the time I get to spend with friends like these. Though their blood does not run through me to make it official, I consider these people to be family. We love them all very much and just don't see enough of them! So sometimes ya gotta do whatcha gotta do...and sometimes that means that you invite yourself places.
In an effort to not make this entry turn into a novel, I'll cut it off there. Get ready for a lot more consistency! After this week I am through with school for the year!! I'll have lots of adventures to be bloggy about this summer and no stupid math homework to keep me from doing it :)
Nothin but love,
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