Ya know, the more I am exposed to the wonderful world of blogging, the more I desire purpose. A category. A box to fit in. Most blogs I read and enjoy, all have a purpose. Like fashion, food, marriage, missions...etc...When I started to be open about my blogging, people would ask me what I blog about. I would tell them...."well, everything kind of. Mostly about me. But sometimes other things too." Now since no one else is blogging about Bethany Stutsman, I suppose that doesn't make me a category for blogging.
Now I'm not thinking of filtering my every thought via post to create a category, and therefore limit myself. I'm just thinking, that's all.
Ya wanna know something I've thought about lately too? Here it is- I have decided that if you are going to be creative. I mean, really own creativity. Like you are one of those who loves making jewelry and headbands and scarves and estate sales and funny, interesting pictures that get your clock tickin, and also plan to open say....a dance studio so that you can make a career out of creating.............well if you are serious about being fully creative, you will never be (no matter how hard you try) fully organized and neat. It's not in the cards for you. In an effort to justify, I would say that being perfectly neat, tidy, and organized is a slap in creativity's face. I would follow this post with a picture of my spilling over laundry basket, my bowls of beads, my scarf lamp...my closet...but though I'm not ashamed of my "creative room"...I'm not very proud of it right now, either.
Oh, also, if you ever want to be creative. You must learn to sleep in late. Really late. Don't gip your REM cycle........dreams are your subconscious's creativity.
Photo from paintyhands.com. Don't worry, I don't dream as much as her.
Nothin but love,
My first networking device besides facebook. No, I do not have a twitter account, much to my sister's dismay
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Call me inspired
I keep a little folder on my computer of pictures or quotes I run across (usually from other blogs I stumble on) that inspire me. I think of myself as a creative person, but lots of times my own creativity comes from interest sparked in someone else's. Today I share some of my own inspiration...
Inspired by this lil ditty, the dog's play toy mustache, I did some searching and bought one just in time to give my pops for Christmas! The ball was only half way for my dog...mostly for my dad to enjoy watching my dog with it
Ok, so I wasn't inspired, per say, to do anything creative with this picture.........but are you kidding me? This is the funnies picture I've ever seen- feast your eyes
These, I found on taza-and-husband.blogspot.com. They're called "Smittens". I would imagine that these are for people who are in love. I think that only love would compel one to buy a pair of mittens that allows your lil' paws to stay toasty, but more importantly, stay interdigitated.
This cluster of wrap necklaces I spied on Free People's blog got me thinkin I might be able to do some recreating on my own at a MUCHHH more affordable price. So I did! They don't look quite as snazzy, but there's a picture of the ones I made down there in one of my crafty entries. I believe they found their home with one of my BFF's, Audrey this Christmas :)
I don't ride a bike, but if I did, I don't imagine I'd want to do it unless my bike either spelled out my name, or disguised my cycle as a unicorn. Yes...I believe that's the only way I would do it.
Anywho, I can't post all my inspirings at once! More to come :) It has been a crazy start to a new school semester! My life is getting dancy-er by the minute it seems! Which is wonderful, of course, but I'm having to work extra hard to take care of my achey body. And coming home after my whopping SEVEN hours of straight dance.....my priorities are all sorts of wonky. Yesterday, I was dying of hunger, but I needed to shower more than I needed food. So I showered....once I recuperated from the energy it took me to shower whilst icing my ankle, I drove to chic-fil-a to get me some protein. In that moment on the couch, in my towel, if I could have injected myself with protein to keep from having to get off the couch and out of the house, I would have. I'll figure it out soon enough :) Here's to having energy- cheers!
Nothin but love,
Inspired by this lil ditty, the dog's play toy mustache, I did some searching and bought one just in time to give my pops for Christmas! The ball was only half way for my dog...mostly for my dad to enjoy watching my dog with it
Ok, so I wasn't inspired, per say, to do anything creative with this picture.........but are you kidding me? This is the funnies picture I've ever seen- feast your eyes
These, I found on taza-and-husband.blogspot.com. They're called "Smittens". I would imagine that these are for people who are in love. I think that only love would compel one to buy a pair of mittens that allows your lil' paws to stay toasty, but more importantly, stay interdigitated.
This cluster of wrap necklaces I spied on Free People's blog got me thinkin I might be able to do some recreating on my own at a MUCHHH more affordable price. So I did! They don't look quite as snazzy, but there's a picture of the ones I made down there in one of my crafty entries. I believe they found their home with one of my BFF's, Audrey this Christmas :)
I don't ride a bike, but if I did, I don't imagine I'd want to do it unless my bike either spelled out my name, or disguised my cycle as a unicorn. Yes...I believe that's the only way I would do it.
Anywho, I can't post all my inspirings at once! More to come :) It has been a crazy start to a new school semester! My life is getting dancy-er by the minute it seems! Which is wonderful, of course, but I'm having to work extra hard to take care of my achey body. And coming home after my whopping SEVEN hours of straight dance.....my priorities are all sorts of wonky. Yesterday, I was dying of hunger, but I needed to shower more than I needed food. So I showered....once I recuperated from the energy it took me to shower whilst icing my ankle, I drove to chic-fil-a to get me some protein. In that moment on the couch, in my towel, if I could have injected myself with protein to keep from having to get off the couch and out of the house, I would have. I'll figure it out soon enough :) Here's to having energy- cheers!
Nothin but love,
Thursday, January 20, 2011
alfjsadlkfj a;slfjdkls;
I am having such a hippie moment, but for whatever reason, I was hit like a bullet with how stinking humongous, overwhelming, massive, uncontainable, unapproachable, indescribable, unimaginable, uncontrollable, can't-put-to-words-ably BIG God is.
To me, in this moment, right now- GOD IS BIGGER THAN EVER. It is literally frustrating me that the English language (or any language for that matter) does not even have the words to put to words how incredibly, impossibly BIGGGG Jesus is.
You should know that today was a normal Thursday. In the middle of praying, I just stopped, and with my eyes closed meditated on His enormity. Pictures pop up in my head, but nothing in my mind's eye creates an even close to accurate image of this majesty.
Here's my prayer
"Dear God,
I don't even get you. I write you these letters every day because I know you're real and I know you hear me But I cannot even begin to understand you. I want to fully let go of my life and give it to you. I can't tell if I'm still holding on though.
I know that you hate pride. I want you to take all of mine away. I want to only boast in you. Really, I mean it. My life is too short to waste time.
I need so much guidance. When I am called on, I want it to be YOU who answers. My words are insufficient- I am no good. I never thank you for my family's health. I take it and mine for granted every single day, but I can always find something to complain about.
I want to live by faith. I BEG that you would show me! All I have to know and trust is that there is nothing bad that can come from walking fully, completely surrendered to you. Arms spread wide, eyes closed, palms to the sky. Lord, you LEAD me!
When I refocus my vision to you, worry fades. Make my stress, my lust, my problems, my friends, my time, my talent, my EVERYTHING become less so that you may becomemore EVERYTHING!!
I can't see you. Sometimes I don't even feel you. Oh, but I trust you. Oh, how I trust you. You intrigue me. You are so BIG. You ARE magnificence. You DEFINE holy. Father, I don't even know what holy is apart from you. You are splendor. I pray that you would burst out of, and DESTROY the box I have built for you because YOU DON'T FIT INSIDE OF IT! aalkjf a;lkdjs dsal;jkf
I don't get you. I never will. You are un-gettable. You are God.
Your child,
For whatever reason, I am beside myself. What if I always remembered to live like I am constantly beside myself?
Nothin but love,
To me, in this moment, right now- GOD IS BIGGER THAN EVER. It is literally frustrating me that the English language (or any language for that matter) does not even have the words to put to words how incredibly, impossibly BIGGGG Jesus is.
You should know that today was a normal Thursday. In the middle of praying, I just stopped, and with my eyes closed meditated on His enormity. Pictures pop up in my head, but nothing in my mind's eye creates an even close to accurate image of this majesty.
Here's my prayer
"Dear God,
I don't even get you. I write you these letters every day because I know you're real and I know you hear me But I cannot even begin to understand you. I want to fully let go of my life and give it to you. I can't tell if I'm still holding on though.
I know that you hate pride. I want you to take all of mine away. I want to only boast in you. Really, I mean it. My life is too short to waste time.
I need so much guidance. When I am called on, I want it to be YOU who answers. My words are insufficient- I am no good. I never thank you for my family's health. I take it and mine for granted every single day, but I can always find something to complain about.
I want to live by faith. I BEG that you would show me! All I have to know and trust is that there is nothing bad that can come from walking fully, completely surrendered to you. Arms spread wide, eyes closed, palms to the sky. Lord, you LEAD me!
When I refocus my vision to you, worry fades. Make my stress, my lust, my problems, my friends, my time, my talent, my EVERYTHING become less so that you may become
I can't see you. Sometimes I don't even feel you. Oh, but I trust you. Oh, how I trust you. You intrigue me. You are so BIG. You ARE magnificence. You DEFINE holy. Father, I don't even know what holy is apart from you. You are splendor. I pray that you would burst out of, and DESTROY the box I have built for you because YOU DON'T FIT INSIDE OF IT! aalkjf a;lkdjs dsal;jkf
I don't get you. I never will. You are un-gettable. You are God.
Your child,
For whatever reason, I am beside myself. What if I always remembered to live like I am constantly beside myself?
Nothin but love,
Monday, January 17, 2011
Wanna hear a funny story? I've already told this story many a time, but I think it's funny enough to tell again. Only this time, on the internet for anyone who checks this blog or accidently ends up on it.
So last week I went to my Dad's office to get my teeth cleaned. Long story short, I had 2 "almost cavities" and a crack in one of my very back teeth. {There are numbers and correct terminology for all of these things, but I'm gonna water it down for you regular people} ((plus, I don't know the numbers or the correct terminology)) My dad told me that he could either fix these things right then and there, or I would have to come at 8:30 the next morning. When I told him that, because I was not mentally or emotionally prepared to have an anesthetic shot {I'm a real baby about these things}, I would opt to come the next morning at 8:30, ((provided that I was given laughing gas to calm my nerves, and quite frankly make the whole thing enjoyable)). {Mind you (side note), the only time I have woken up before 10 am this entire break was for church}.
When my Dad heard this, he proceeded to pick me up to get me in a chair. At this, my first reaction was to go completely limp. My limbs much like noodles; dead weight in Daddy's arms. Tiring him out was the only way to get out of this premature dental procedure. We were laughing, sure, but my dad was dragging me on the floor of his office and I was grabbing onto anything I could to slow him down.
(Deep breath)...............so the next morning at 8:30. (haha...I win!) he got me all situated, strapped the gas mask on, and go to work. I, immediately, began taking big breaths of that happy gas so that I could ensure my....happiness. It hit me pretty quick. A few minutes into the procedure, I started feeling a little funny, so I lifted my arm (that felt like it weighed 100 lbs.) and motioned to turn the gas down just a little. He did, gave me a few puffs of oxygen to clear my head, and got back to work. I was good.
A few minutes later I brought my hand up and started this motion that I might compare to having to sneeze. Shortly after, my reflexes got the best of me, and I turned to my right. ......and I threw up.
On my Dad.
Ok so I had a screen on my mouth that looked like this (sorry, I don't know what it's called, so it's not that great of a picture)
My Dad has been a dentist for longer than I have been alive. So you can imagine how accomplished I felt when he told me that in all his years, he has never been thrown up on. Uhhh.....so that's cool because there's a first time for everything...?? Anywho, during this whole process, I was still very much under the influence of laughing gas. Cleaning myself off was hilarious for my mom because after just staring at myself in the mirror for a while, I turned on the faucet and completely submerged my head in water, and kept asking her what was in my hair.
While still high as a kite, I asked my Dad to take a picture of me in the dental chair. You should know a few things- 1) I came to the office wearing a different shirt than the one I'm wearing in the picture. 2) My hair is drenched and in some sort of ponytail that looks like I blindfolded my dad and asked him to put my hair up. And 3) The left side of my face is numb, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm smiling normally in this picture.
My Dad changed into these pants...he's had them in his office for about ten years, he guessed. The only way they are staying up is with that good ol' belt.
So, that's funny right? Haha I laugh at that picture of me smiling like a fool every time. Right after it happened, I asked my Dad if he minded if I blogged about it. Surprised? Well, you shouldn't be. My priorities are straight even when I'm drugged. I have to add on a more serious note though, that my dad was the epitome of grace and unconditional love that day. The man didn't even say my name in a stern manner! Dad I know you're one of my most loyal blog fans (and fans in general) so since I know you'll read this, here's a big, public, scream-it-at-the-top-of-my-lungs "I LOVE YOU"!
I'll leave you with one more picture of me and my dad on a dental mission trip in Mexico. He goes every year, and I got to go with him once in 8th grade! He had a picture made into a painting that now hangs in my dad's office...............check. me. outttt.
It seems, I've really thrown myself under the bus in this posting. But I'll do anything for a laugh. If you don't think this is funny, and maybe think that what I have really done a better job of is embarrassing myself- I don't want to know. School starts tomorrow and I have mixed feelings. But starting new is always refreshing, so bring it on Spring of 2011! Here's to new beginnings, and dad's who love you too much to be mad about a little bit of his daughter's barf landing on him :)
Nothin but love,
So last week I went to my Dad's office to get my teeth cleaned. Long story short, I had 2 "almost cavities" and a crack in one of my very back teeth. {There are numbers and correct terminology for all of these things, but I'm gonna water it down for you regular people} ((plus, I don't know the numbers or the correct terminology)) My dad told me that he could either fix these things right then and there, or I would have to come at 8:30 the next morning. When I told him that, because I was not mentally or emotionally prepared to have an anesthetic shot {I'm a real baby about these things}, I would opt to come the next morning at 8:30, ((provided that I was given laughing gas to calm my nerves, and quite frankly make the whole thing enjoyable)). {Mind you (side note), the only time I have woken up before 10 am this entire break was for church}.
When my Dad heard this, he proceeded to pick me up to get me in a chair. At this, my first reaction was to go completely limp. My limbs much like noodles; dead weight in Daddy's arms. Tiring him out was the only way to get out of this premature dental procedure. We were laughing, sure, but my dad was dragging me on the floor of his office and I was grabbing onto anything I could to slow him down.
(Deep breath)...............so the next morning at 8:30. (haha...I win!) he got me all situated, strapped the gas mask on, and go to work. I, immediately, began taking big breaths of that happy gas so that I could ensure my....happiness. It hit me pretty quick. A few minutes into the procedure, I started feeling a little funny, so I lifted my arm (that felt like it weighed 100 lbs.) and motioned to turn the gas down just a little. He did, gave me a few puffs of oxygen to clear my head, and got back to work. I was good.
A few minutes later I brought my hand up and started this motion that I might compare to having to sneeze. Shortly after, my reflexes got the best of me, and I turned to my right. ......and I threw up.
On my Dad.
Ok so I had a screen on my mouth that looked like this (sorry, I don't know what it's called, so it's not that great of a picture)
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So thankfully (for my Dad's sake, at least) this contraption prevented ALL of it from ending up on my dad. But yes, you guessed it...unfortunately for me...not that I necessarily realized. |
My Dad has been a dentist for longer than I have been alive. So you can imagine how accomplished I felt when he told me that in all his years, he has never been thrown up on. Uhhh.....so that's cool because there's a first time for everything...?? Anywho, during this whole process, I was still very much under the influence of laughing gas. Cleaning myself off was hilarious for my mom because after just staring at myself in the mirror for a while, I turned on the faucet and completely submerged my head in water, and kept asking her what was in my hair.
While still high as a kite, I asked my Dad to take a picture of me in the dental chair. You should know a few things- 1) I came to the office wearing a different shirt than the one I'm wearing in the picture. 2) My hair is drenched and in some sort of ponytail that looks like I blindfolded my dad and asked him to put my hair up. And 3) The left side of my face is numb, and as far as I'm concerned, I'm smiling normally in this picture.
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I would suggest clicking it to view larger. You won't regret it. |
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They must have shrunk |
I'll leave you with one more picture of me and my dad on a dental mission trip in Mexico. He goes every year, and I got to go with him once in 8th grade! He had a picture made into a painting that now hangs in my dad's office...............check. me. outttt.
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The paint adds 10 pounds, right? Ha wrong! Dad looks great though. |
Nothin but love,
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Reader's questions answered!
I've been getting a lot of questions about myself from readers and fans, so I thought I'd dedicate a post to answering some of those! Yeah, that's absolutely not true. No one asked me any of these, and I don't have "fans" haha but I love online questionnaires- guilty pleasure, I suppose
Do you like your handwriting? Yeah, but I wish it was more consistent. I have good hand writing days and bad ones. I mostly write in cursive
Why is it that when you're driving and looking for and address,you turn the radio down? Because some of us are ADD
Are you very sarcastic? Mmmm…yes. Working on the cynical though
Do you think you are physically strong? Do I think this is a weird question? Yes. Do I think I am physically strong? Idk…this question is weird.
When you open a bag of cotton balls, is the top one meant to be thrown away? I guess that depends on whether you use cotton balls to clean your face or as a dietary supplement
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? I like peanut butter and I like chocolate. I like most anything in ice cream though
Do vegetarians eat animal crackers? Depends on their motives. And commitment level
What was the last thing you ate? Pancakes. Yes, it is 12:40 am
What was the last drink you drank? Ok, fine, it was diet coke. BUT…I haven’t ORDERED a diet coke since the new year! Baby steps, y’all….
If you were a crayon what color would you be? Yellow. No question asked
Which are your favorite smells? 1) HOT by Ralph Lauren 2) YSL cologne 3) Gasoline 4) New car 5) The nail salon
Whose cruel idea was it for the word “Lisp” to have a “S” in it? Idk, but this is a good question. Sorry, Lithperths...
Do you like people with green eyes? Um yes, because I don’t normally judge whether or not I like a person by the color of their eyes?
Do you like scary movies or comedy movies more? Comedy. My mind is way to restless to watch too many scary movies
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too? I guess that depends on how tight knit a swim troop they are
Do you prefer hugs or kisses? Depends on who’s huggin and who’s kissin
What is on your mouse pad? Mouse pads are so 1999
(Here's the latest headband)
Haha, i just saw an infomercial for a product called "slim T's". Basically, it's a bra or spanx for men. It goes under your shirt, much like a bullet proof vest to decrease the look of belly fat and love handles- all for the low, low price of $19.95! The best part is that, it also has padding in the shape of a men's 6-pack. I say that if you want to be believable, you buy a slim T and then lock yourself in a basement for at least 6 weeks. When you come out and someone questions your toned physique, you have every right to punch them in the face. When they ask you to prove it, you can punch them in the face and then tell them that "proving it" is against your morals. And for women? Well, they have "Pajama Jeans". Ok, whoever buys these is dumb. Anyone ever heard of JEGGINGS?? It's the same thing. That's what I get for watching Chelsea Lately for the second time today at 1:30 am. Ok, that's it for me. I have to get a filling tomorrow at 8:30. Yiesh!
Nothin but love,
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Celebrate Estate!
Estate sales are one of my very favorite things! I love old things. I realize it is sort of trendy to be into "vintage"....but I just am. I swear the trendiness in my own life is genuine. Anywho, if ever I have a home of my own, I think it would be so much more rewarding to find little gems to fix up (and pay a LOT less for them) at flea markets, estate sales, or Craig's list than to walk into Pottery Barn, point at a furniture set that a million other people have as I sign away a portion of my life via check. Just seems more rewarding my way. Not to mention, fun.
Yesterday, I called my Aunt (we call her "Jannie") to see if she knew of any estate sales in the area. {She gets emails about where to find the local sales} She told me that she had already been out to one, but if I could give her 10 minutes, she'd be at my house to pick me up for round 2! So of course I took her up on it. She and my cousin Cheryl picked me up and we headed to the first one. We went to 2...here are some of my findings :)
Obviously I didn't purchase an oven, but how wonderful is it?! A pink oven. Pink's not my favorite color, but I love the idea of a kitchen appliance being something other than silver, black, brown, or beige.
I bought this, and a vintage Polaroid Sepctra. This camera is a 1950 Kodak Pony 135 Model C. I'm still learning a lot about it, but even if it never becomes anything more than decoration...I think it is divine
This shirt was a whopping $3 and those shades were an even more whopping $1. The button up reminds me of a girl-version of shirts Daddy Bob used to wear. I can't wait to pair the two together this Summer!
This little top was in a closet of things that I am convinced came straight from the Titanic. The top is made out of lace doily material and I guess somewhere along the way it was shortened with scissors, leaving it with the lil jagged edge I adore! I like it over a little dress like the one above, a loose tank....or maybe even a swim suit eventually :)
My friend, Carlie got her nose pierced. {Don't worry, not at an estate sale} I am not as tough as her...nor as allowed to get my nose pierced, I think. Carl pulls it off nicely! However {and this will make my mom cringe} if I were to get a nose piercing...I would get the hoop kind. Just saying
We also went to Target, Carlie and I. It looks like their accessory designers were having a "designing block" because these ear muffs are heinous. They were real floppy- all yarn and no structure. Also, they were intended to tie under the chin...?
Made Hannah {an old dance friend of mine} a yarn scarf! I wish I had gotten a picture of her in it :(
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Hannah was the captain of her drill team! |
If you ever need a buddy to go to an estate sale or flea market or......something like those said sales, I'm your girl!
Nothin but love,
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Dear 2010
In an effort to celebrate the new year 2011, we mustn't forget the old year, from which the new one came. I wanted to take a moment (or a few) to do a little commemorating of good ol' 2010. {Perhaps one day my children's children's children will look this up on their microchip-brain-computers to read up about lil ol' granny...me}.......(((weird.)))
- 2010 brought new friends....friends like Heidi Thomson, Lindsy Young, Lauren Paine, Sarah Stimson, Audrey Johnston, Courtney Corbeille...oh, and whilst talking to Marshall Clapp briefly tonight, I remembered that he fits into this category as well. It's funny to think that even though I barely knew some of these people a year ago if I knew them at all, now they are some of my very very closest friends. Thank you 2010 for new friends
- 2010 gave me my major: dance. Thank you Jesus, thank you aTm, thank you Christine Bergeron, thank you 2010 for the opportunity to dance in college and for the rest of my life.
- 2010 sent me to Kanakuk to be a counselor at k2. I learned more about life and Jesus, and how Jesus fits into my life more at k2 in a month than I have in my entire life. I am thankful for my co-counselors, ALL of my girls in cabins 4 and 11...and I am desperately thankful for the chance God took on me in sending me there, trusting me with high schoolers, and the gift he gave me when he worked through me and changed my heart.
- 2010 started my blog! I cannot tell you how much I love to blog. I love that 18 people are entertained enough by the happenings in my life to read about them and laugh with me at most things I do with life. I'm thankful for rediscovering writing. I'm thankful for words
- 2010 cut my hair short! Whether it stays short forever or grows long again someday, I am thankful that I have become more indifferent about my hair. It certainly is invigorating to tell someone to chop your hair off without the promise that it will look good...all because you finally realized that it's true, hair really does grow.
- The "chat" happened in 2010. My little house in College Station where I live with Elizabeth, Meredith, Corey, and Catherine has just been lovely. I love my house, my room, and my roomies :) cheers to the chat!
- 2010 brought a road trip and spring break vacation to Destin with about 30 of my closest friends
- In October of 2010 my sister was married, and I turned 20 years old, kissing my teenage years goodbye...
-In 2010 Whitley got engaged!!!!!!! yayyyy for Whitley! (Campbell's sister)
- In 2010 I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and developed achilles tendonitis
-In 2010 I started wearing red lipstick
-Theta and AMC won Songfest in 2010!
-Most recently in 2010 we celebrated the lives of Momo (Verna Marie Porter Stutsman) and Daddy Bob (Robert Moore Read). See you later, never goodbye, and nothin' but love
Lots of wonderful, wonderful things happened in 2010...if you think of something I missed, let me know in a comment- I'd love to remember! I am so very thankful for 2010- it's struggles and celebrations. 2011 is currently filled with lots of mystery! I'm "resoluting" to at least fill it with a few more books, a little less diet coke, and a lot more water. Here's to a year I hope to do much better than the last. My prayer is that I would remain and continue to abide in Jesus. How very quickly I stray and lose my way
Nothin but love,
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