Saturday, January 29, 2011

Who am I?

Ya know, the more I am exposed to the wonderful world of blogging, the more I desire purpose. A category. A box to fit in. Most blogs I read and enjoy, all have a purpose. Like fashion, food, marriage, missions...etc...When I started to be open about my blogging, people would ask me what I blog about. I would tell them...."well, everything kind of. Mostly about me. But sometimes other things too." Now since no one else is blogging about Bethany Stutsman, I suppose that doesn't make me a category for blogging.

Now I'm not thinking of filtering my every thought via post to create a category, and therefore limit myself. I'm just thinking, that's all.

Ya wanna know something I've thought about lately too? Here it is- I have decided that if you are going to be creative. I mean, really own creativity. Like you are one of those who loves making jewelry and headbands and scarves and estate sales and funny, interesting pictures that get your clock tickin, and also plan to open say....a dance studio so that you can make a career out of creating.............well if you are serious about being fully creative, you will never be (no matter how hard you try) fully organized and neat. It's not in the cards for you. In an effort to justify, I would say that being perfectly neat, tidy, and organized is a slap in creativity's face. I would follow this post with a picture of my spilling over laundry basket, my bowls of beads, my scarf closet...but though I'm not ashamed of my "creative room"...I'm not very proud of it right now, either.

Oh, also, if you ever want to be creative. You must learn to sleep in late. Really late. Don't gip your REM cycle........dreams are your subconscious's creativity.

Photo from Don't worry, I don't dream as much as her.

Nothin but love,

1 comment:

  1. This is explains my husband's lack of organization!!! He is quite the creative soul and I always talk about that but I usually complain about the lack of organization....never ever did I think his creative side had anything to do with it! Are you sure this isn't just a good excuse? Ha! Kidding.
