Saturday, December 25, 2010


I'll post pictures and stories of our Christmas soon! Here's the last few things I've made :)

Headband for Ella :)

White lace, polka-dotted shoe string secured with green stitching, leopard base, yellow button

Red yarn scarf!

Gave this scarf to Amy tonight! Kisses, Zami!

Headband #2 for Ella!

Pink stretchy band with green stitching all the way around band and pedals with white button center

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

(side note...)

Hey guys! My blog got a shout-out from my famous blogging friend, Melody! Check out what she had to say HERE! Also I should add that she is hilarious and loves Jesus a lot. Our sense of humor (senses of humors?) is/are identical! If all goes well, I might turn out to be quite similar to her when I've got a family of my own (God willing)

But if you haven't read my latest...check it out below :)

Nothin but love,

Christmas Craftings

First thing's first. Let's give a big WHOOP for 2 more followers! That's right folks, our family of 15 has grown to 17. Nothing makes me happier. Here's the next plea for commitment. Commit today and become an official follower! (Sarah, I know you are like so annoyed reading this. Soddy!)

HOKAY......sooo I have been filling my time here in Dallas by making things. All sorts of things, but mostly girly things. I'm bored and broke....and girly.

wrap necklace. 3 pieces of chord cut at different lengths wrapped in different colored string. (middle has beads strung in)
Wire ring #1
Wire ring #2
Wire ring #3
Wire ring #4 (inspired by a similar ring Sstimson wears) ((mine is not NEARLY as cool as hers- promise))
Arm band/bracelet  
I'm sad the colors didn't turn out great on this one....the orange ric-rac is NEON!...heart is leaport, and it's a cluster of pearls in the middle, all on top of scraps that did not go into my sister's wedding dress :)
Christmas 2010= no wrapping for Bethany! It's all about making boxes out of cereal boxes. Tie a cute bow on top and you're good to go!
White lace band with elastic behind head. Leopard mount.  Another wedding dress scrap, and green/blue/orange (bad) stitching around perimeter.  
Dad wanted in :) don't you like his hat?!
Big Bow wire ring! 
I had to start making them bigger so they would fit people with normal sized fingers. I have these fingers on a strict diet.
Tear drop beaded wire ring (it's hard to see so I got a few angles along with a few annoying faces ;)

Ok, so clearly I have a lot of wire and too much time, but I wanted to make as many gifts as I could this year! I have more to do, that's for sure, but friends- if you receive any of these gifts and they fall apart or you don't like them, could you just not tell me? That'd be great.

Hey- my friend Amy (or Zami) got accepted to go on the study abroad trip to SPAIN this summer!!!!! I was so excited for her when she told me the good news! Zami has to have spending money- duh! So Zami is the newest member of Northpark's first ever popcorn store: "uptown popcorn". Amy is the pride of Uptown's popcorn, so they have her bagging the popped corn in the back. Zami hurt her finger today. Poorrrrrr Zami! In an interview, I asked Amy what her favorite flavor was, and she answered: "I don't know, they're all pretty good." That's right, folks- you heard it here first...they are ALL pretty good!
Keep her sanity and the tip of her pointer finger in your prayers
Moe got in trouble for peeing on things in the house. When you're a dog who pees on things in our house, you get the underware of shame. I know some of you have seen these on facebook, but I still laugh every time. Check him out.

Ella is the coolest. I have her in extensive training to becoming my spawn. Just kidding, she definitely marches to the beat of her own drum, but our beats sound strangely out world. Seriously, I'm not kidding.

 Shoot, looks like she's gonna be a better version of myself. 
Mkay, I'm tired. Imma hit the hay. I'll leave you with a Chinese proverb a friend once shared with me: "Don't let the bed bugs bite". Merry Crafting, bLoGgErZz!!

Nothin but love,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lots to cover

Ok, this entry will be high on pictures, as I have been rather good (if i do say so myself) at photo documentation lately :)

1) Semi- Formal was awesome! My date, Sterling is CRAZY! We share a common respect for Michael Jackson, and delightfully closed the evening with a tribute. Sterling is officially running for YELL LEADER!! So next semester will be filled with lots of exciting events and campaigning to get him elected!! Check us out.

Sterling thinks it looks like he has lipstick in this picture. I think his lipstick looks great 
2) Can you believe pizza slices come this teeny-tiny?!?

3) The Chat (short for La Chatteau) (aka- my house) took Christmas card pictures. Holly Jolly, y'all

Elizabeth- Dad. Meredith- child. Catherine- child. Corey- Mom. 
Family :)
4) Sarah Stimson and I have spent an elephant load of time together this week doing some of my favorite things! She was a thoughtful friend and brought over some classic cokes in glass bottles while we did some hanging out the night I found out about Daddy thankful for friends.

5) Sarah and I decided we would start wearing red lipstick more often, in an effort to be more lovely. I posted this picture of myself studying with red lipstick on her facebook wall. It really does give you a little pep in your step!.....try it!

6) (I told you Sarah and I spent a lot of time together this week...) Last night we crossed something off both of our bucket lists and went to McDonald's for a late night BIG MAC!! Neither of us had ever had one, and felt plain un-American. We laughed a lot while enjoying the greasy delicacy...we decided it really is worth all the hype. It was quite tasty!
Burgers that big come in a box
checking to see if I could open my mouth wide enough
Half way through and goin strong
Last bite! Now for the fries...... :)
Sarah says, "nice work." I say, nice face, Sarah ;)
7) She and I have been very crafty....unfortunately I can't post all the craftings because some people need to be kept from them so as not to spoil a Christmas present....but she drove over late, late one night while I was watching "Inception" (woah...we'll discuss later) because she had a surprise...she was so excited! Guess what it was....!!!!!...

8) I watched Inception for the first time and it BLEW my mind. I could talk about it for days. But this is how I felt even 30 minutes after watching it...and also how I felt about it the next morning when I woke up...and right now. 
woah. that was crazy. let's watch it again!!
9) It's finals week. I've been living at Blue Baker, a sandwich shop in College Station. I wanted to blog the whole time I was there, but had to stay focused. They just got the yummiest new flavored cookie for the holidays- Molasses Gingerbread...nom nom nom!!

Studying stinks.

Cookies rock
 Ok, it's sad that I don't have a 10th event to document about...that would just be too perfect. But, for an update, I wanted to close with letting you all know that, yesterday afternoon, we lost Momo. When my dad called me to tell me (I was studying at Blue Baker, of course) he asked how I was doing, and then said that he was sad to tell me that Momo couldn't stand it here any longer knowing Daddy Bob got to go home and she decided it was time she got there as well. My sister said it beautifully when she said, "Their last breath here is their first breath there." And my my my the air they are breathing has got to be so much more fulfilling! Momo, we're sad because we miss you...but keeping you here would be selfish. Promise to keep Dad in line for ya here on earth................he's nuts. But we love it. Daddy Bob, I hope you gave Granny the biggest smooch you've been waiting to give her for 5 years......and Momo, I hope you ran into Paw-Paw's arms that have been wide open for you for the last 7. It has GOT to be good to be free...

Nothin but love,