Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Shame on you, FreePeople

Is it possible for feet to need a pair of shoes as much as lungs need air? 
...These shoes make me feel as if it really is possible.

Nothin but love,

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Ok look...I had spring break and then I was gone for another week

I'll explain...(the short and sweet version)

I went to Seaside, Florida two weeks ago with about 30 of my closest friends for Spring Break. It was tons-o-fun! I only got burnt one day and the rest of the time it was smooth sailing!

(Yes that's a washed up jelly fish in the last picture. Exhibit A: reason I don't get in the ocean)

I got back from Florida on a Thursday and on Monday I was off to New Mexico for a college dance convention called ACDFA. It was a lot of unpacking, laundry, and packing in a short amount of time, but I got it done. We were in New Mexico for a week (we got back this afternoon).

I have to brag on aTm a little bit as I share some exciting news!...40 different colleges attended this convention and each school brought a dance with them to compete for a spot in the gala show at the end of the week. We brought two students (myself and my friend Andrea) and our 3 dance teachers ((well they brought us)). Andrea and I performed our duet called "Bound" on the first night of the convention.

Over the course of the week, 48 pieces were danced and judged by our 3 "adjudicators" (fancy word for judges). Up to 12 of the judge's favorite works from the week could be chosen for the gala performance on Saturday. Results for the gala were posted in the wee hours of the morning on Saturday. I was woken up to my duet partner at 2:30 am on Saturday to hear that we were one of 9 selected to dance in the gala!! It was such exciting news! We danced our final performance of "Bound" at ACDFA last night with some of the most talented college students I have had the pleasure of sharing a stage with. What an honor and absolute privilege that was!

{I would love to eventually post a video}

More to come later....for now I'm off to sleep off this crazy week!!

Nothin but love,

Monday, March 7, 2011


Hi friends! I made an Etsy account recently and thought I'd share it with you :) you can find me here! These are all on my Etsy, but here's some pictures of what I've been up to...

I made my poor friends model for me.....thank you friends :) Anywayzzzzz......you'll need a real update soon because there is much to discuss! Just had our annual spring dance concert this weekend...rehearsals are over and boy it feels good to be free!

Nothin but love,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Clementines found a home!

Well team, how would you like an update? Regardless, here it is....First order of buisness- we found a house! Is it the most ideal location?? No! Is it a mansion?? No! Does it come with a puppy??? No! But I'll tell you what, it is nicer than the house I currently live in, nothing in this town is more than 5 minutes away, and that includes my new house, it fits me and all 4 of my roomies, and it is A PLACE TO LIVE. It's funny how the things that were important to us in finding our house changed with our house-hunting saga.

Last you were informed, we lost my house that I live in now, shortly after that we were ready to sign on a lovely little house on Timm street...then we heard a buzz that some girls from my sorority were moving out of their WONDERFUL house on Highland, so we zipped on over there, filled out the paper work and told Keith we were ready! So when we met with him to sign the lease, he told us some small print information about the Summer costs we would be looking at...and none of us will be here this summer or next...and, despite how absolutely magnificent and perfect the house was, no house for college students is worth what he was asking. So Keith offered to cut us a deal- great! Until.....next thing we know, a different group of girls in a different sorority are jumping up and down in excitement when they get off the phone with our Keith who told them, "Congrats girls! You got the HIGHLAND house!!" Came as a surprise to us, seeing as how we had no warning. No email, no phone call, not even a text message.

SO........that's ok because the house across the street from my current one is ADORABLE! Not as new and fancy as our long-lost-love on Highland, but much more charming and old- just my style. We toured it, loved it...considered the awkwardness we would be facing in living across the street from the girls who ended up in my house...unanimously agreed that it was worth it, and emailed Keith to tell him, "sign us up!" 1 day passes...2 days pass...3, 4....ohhhh KEEEiiith? So we call him. He's all like, "Oh hey girls, yeah I must have missed that email- we signed on that house days ago with another group."


Is that so?

Did you sign with another group?

Perfect. Typical. Raise your hand if you're surprised (no hands). After checking our backs for "Hey, take my house! :)" signs, we put our short-comings behind us, and decided to sign on whatever came next. So long story short-ish........we are the proud new leasers of a little blue house :) I have never been inside our new home. (Can't say the street name....Pops says that ain't smart) ((and for all I know, someone will steal it if I do!))    But I can tell you that I love it! I love that we all fit inside, that I signed on a dotted line, that I am no longer at Keith or Jennifer's mercy, that I don't have to speak with another realtor for at least a year, that our house group texts have slowed down, that my friends are no longer stressed, that the girls get my house next year, that the other girls get Highland next year, that another group gets that charming house across the street, and that I can half way feel like I got to help give them those houses. What a servant's heart I have, right? Haha, I know that isn't the case, but it sounds nice....and I really do think that any bitterness I held onto is gone.

If you're feeling selfish today, next time you catch someone eyeing your house, perhaps the next time someone compliments it...tell them they can have it! (You should be safe...they will most likely say no because that's weird............however, no matter how unlikely it is, I won't try my luck on it for a while- call me selfish)

Can't wait to tell you all the stories from my new home!

Nothin but love,