Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Matthew 12:28-30 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." 

[No, there's no reason for this picture, I just feel like pictures make a blog less boring, but I did get to go to dinner with these girls last week, and it was so great to spend time with them! I miss my Highlandette friends!]

[Anyway, sorry for being scatter-brained] I absolutely loved starting my day with this divine promise from the Lord! Lately, I have found such rest, peace, and a calmness of heart that comes ONLY from God's Spirit working in me. I need no proof that there is a God. I have been praying a lot for a peace of mind and heart with little things I wrestle with in my day-to-day, and in just these couple weeks that I have had that heavy on my heart and in my prayers, God has absolutely shown Himself! I haven't seen a burning bush, been in the presence of an angel, or heard God's voice in my ear, but to simply be able to recognize the unnecessary burden I had be lifted from my shoulders has been so freeing! 

I think people can tend to shy away from praying for God to reveal himself in a different way, and I think I used to feel silly, myself, asking for that. But, with the encouragement from a few people to add that into the way I pray, I decided to... and I'm glad I finally did. On the other hand, praying about that reminds me that God is ALWAYS working in my life by putting me where I need to be and placing different people and opportunities in my life. However, sometimes it is up to us to look for God's hand in our lives. Looking back on several things this past year is a million little examples of His work on me, all of them added together to create a bigger picture of his creative craftsmanship that is my life. 

Seriously, we're God's puppets/dolls (whatever you prefer) in this bubble that we think we have control over. I know that I will surely enough find myself thinking that I can handle things on my own, or try to turn God's will for my life into Bethany's will for my life, but as soon as I realize that I have no more than a blink of an eye here on earth in the grand scheme of things (and the scheme IS grand) I am put back in my place, forced to swallow my pride and continue chasing my Savior who has been waiting for me the WHOLE time with his arms open...and that is something I can cling to. 

It's time to start wrapping up and head to my second day of dance intensive! Haha maybe tomorrow I'll tell y'all about them. They were funny yesterday. Thanks for listening, dear readers...until next time, I bid you adieu 

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