Friday, July 2, 2010

I got Zami fever

Y'all, I miss my best friend. Amy Lynn Bradley is my very best friend. I remember meeting little Zami (as i like to refer to her) as a wee little tot in kindergarden roundup at Moss Haven Elementary. Before starting kindergarden, all the soon to be "students" would gather in the library for some story time as we got to know the new children who would soon be our classmates.

I didn't know a lot of things back then. Like obviously I didn't know simple things because I wasn't even in kindergarden yet and I was just kind of dumb, but I also didn't know that I would be in the Hillin-Mathis class for the next 3 years (no I didn't repeat kindergargen 3 times, Moss Haven does combined classes with K-2nd grade- apparently that's not normal). I didn't know I would only be at Moss Haven for 5 years before switching to private school (and then back to public), and I also didn't know that Amy Bradley, who turned out to graduate number THREE in our huge class!, would be my best friend every one of those years :)

Amy is a smart, smart girl, with a good head on her shoulders. She is super chill and soft-spoken, but knows what to speak up about. When she talks I listen, and I tend to do most anything she tells me to do- Amy would never steer me wrong! She is pretty pretty pretty, and pretty much enjoys the same things that I do (besides math...ew) and to the same extent. We make a great team (besides when we are trying to navigate in a car- bad news)

Summer is usually marked with me and Amy laying out at Royal Oaks, watching So You Think You Can Dance, taking excessive trips to Northpark Mall to window shop (Amy and I are both very cheap),  sleepovers, and any other missions that need to be taken care of- we'd rather not do anything by ourself. She's my go-to for everything.

However this summer, Amy is at Kanakuk serving the little children of k-west in the kitchen. I get to talk to her whenever she has a night or day off, and it honestly makes my day to see "Amy Cell" lighting up on my phone. We talk about her exciting stories at kamp, and I fill her in on my exciting life of blogging and dancing. It is so clear that the Lord is using Amy at Kanakuk in the lives of jr. high girls there and the people she has met. Every time I talk to her on the phone I remind her that even though her new "friends" sound cool and all, that she already has a best friend, and is definitely not in the market for a new one or even a co-bff.

Amy comes home to me next week, and I can NOT wait to have her! We have a lot of our "summer activities" as listed above, to take care of before I leave for kamp myself. Hopefully I'll have time to fill you all in on the Amy-Bethany things we do, but I might not have time because we have a lot of lost time to make up for...but let's be honest, I'll fill you in. Take some time to enjoy the pictures posted above and below of some great BFF moments captured on film.

So long for now, dear readers. I'll leave you with this quote I read in the Bible today- "Having a best friend is overrated. Amy is not." (I didn't really read that today-it's not in the Bible...but don't worry, since it was a joke and not a lie God isn't angry with me). Everyone make it your life goal to meet Amy. But don't plan on making a best friend out of it- she's taken.

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