1) Audrey- she was/is the temporary owner of the "devilish young pup" from a few blogs ago. Pshyco...I'm sure you recall. She's very beautiful and the loyalest of loyal friends. We make a good team :)
2) Blerina- She texted me and told me that she had read all my entries. I love Blevina. She's exotic because she was born in Europe. Doesn't that make her intriguing? Doesn't that make me cool for having exotic friends? I creepily picked this picture for Rina because I've always secretly loved it of her
4) Campbell- He's marrying my sister and belongs to those 3 above. I've talked a lot about him, so here's some photo documentation. Ya know...put a face with a name...Oh, wait sorry this one won't help because he's not 2 anymore. But I do especially like this picture. It was my phone's background for quite some time.
4) Allie- We go way back. We used to go home after elementary school and write down ways for our friends to be cooler. I think we told them the things they could do to be cooler. I also think we genuinely thought we were helping them out. I'm judging myself...we've grown out of that, I promise.
5) Heidi- "Shardtz", the girl I'm meant for. She also texted me to tell me that she's been reading. Whatta pal! Shardtz is currently vacationing in Jersey Shore with the family...she swears it's not trashy...(this picture was the first time I was honored to be in her facebook profile picture. Aren't I a vision?)
6) Caroline- "Carrie", "Eppy", "Floddr Toddr". Caroline is one of my weirdest friends, which is why we get along so well, and for sure the reason we hit it off from the beginning. She is an official "follower". This picture is framed in her room :)
7) Carlie- She wrote this on my facebook wall, "you blogging is an all around good idea. seeing this today made me happy!" I've always loved the way Carlie phrases things. She makes me laugh with her wording. Carlie's a stud soccer player, and she thanks I'm really sassy.
8) Marshall- I am much more comfortable calling him "Mardsh", but I've called him Marshall before. He's been talked about in the blog's past as well. He's the one from Houston's forest, better known as "Kingwood". His mother is a professional puzzle-er, and he is bringing "lol" back.
9) Kelly- My beloved roommate, whom I miss very much :( She is probably one of the nicest girls you'll meet. I love laughing with her
9) Cheryl- My cousin who lives in RUSSIA! She's not officially exotic because she was born in regular ol' America, but she's officially COOL because she's a missionary there! Cheryl sent me a facebook message telling me she thought I was a good writer. That kind of thing DEFINITELY deserves a feature!...that, and the fact that she's just neato. (picture from way back when...way back when she resided in America and I had a chili bowl with bangs)
So, seriously, I'm sure I missed someone epically important . Don't be shy- request a feature! I'm sure I have great things to say about you. But really- no sarcasm intended. This was kinda fun writing about everyone :) It's late...go to bed!
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