I wanted to make sure I had a farewell blog, just so everyone was well-informed that I am only taking a temporary break (because computers aren't allowed at kamp), and that I'm not just abandoning you avid blog-junkies.
I have decided to bring pictures of me as a kid to show my kampers. 1- because awkward stages are the worst, and if they are anything like me, they might think they will never escape the chubbyness, bad haircut, braces, acne, and social unawareness, and 2- because I was hilarious looking, and everyone deserves to laugh at Bethany Stutsman in her "tweens".
I don't have any of the TERRIBLE pictures on my computer for obvious reasons (some people I know enjoy making facebook albums of just me on my own account and those pictures would be way too easy to take advantage of) BUT..here are a few pictures from my days as a kamper...enjoy :)
Ok, I lied, this is pretty terrible...
So young...so free...so trying to get attention
Kamp Crush. Taylor Horneman, ladies and gentlemen. We were both so gosh darn good lookin' I'm not sure how we managed to keep it to just 3 second side hugs (as is the rule for boy-girl physical interaction at kamp) Still friends with this boy today!
"Fab 5" (above and to the right). Some of the best friends I have, I found at kamp! Michelle Tull (Kitchie at k2!) Katie Bailey, Grace Olson (k2 counselor), and Kelly Fant :)
Staff training 2010 with Avery and Abbie...
Well that's a little sneak peak into kamper life and a little bit of the counselor life I vaguely know. I can't wait to be used as a tiny part of what God's got planned for His huge, perfectly created and thought out picture! I hope you'll joining me in praying for patience, energy, and a continuous passion for a good work to be done in kids' lives while they're at kamp. Please pray that I have the right things to say with words not my own, but from no where else but the Lord. AHH I know I can NOT do it on my own, so it's a good thing I'm not trying to! Can't wait to update you hooligans on kamp life, and lots of funny stories!! Oh I forgot, one more thing....please pray for these girls about to be in my cabin...they have no idea what they are getting themselves into. They are about to be under the supervision of this hot mess right here...yours truly :) Oh bless their poor, poor normal person souls....Until next time!.......I'm off to kamp, dear readers.
Praying for you Bethany! Oh, I remember the fun and fear of being a counselor (coach @ TBarM). Hilarious stories... like the 8 year old camper who SWORE she had taken a shower when only the very tiptop of her head was wet. Ha ha. Still makes me laugh. I know that God will use you in their lives and them in yours. We can never give without getting back more! Seeds will be planted that will sprout up in their little lives years down the road. Look at how you turned out! :) Love you!