Friday, July 2, 2010

Can I be excessive?

Excuse my double whammy today, but I have a sister who needs to be discussed.

Sarah is my older sister. She is 23 years old as of yesterday (hence the inspiration for my Sarah post).

I count myself lucky to have a sister...but I count myself blessed to have Sarah for a sister. I find myself typing up a storm and then erasing it all, over and over, because it's proving to be impossible to give an explanation of Sarah justice. First of all, she is beautiful. Now that we have THAT out of the way (not that the pictures of her don't make that obvious), Sarah is grace. She is compassionate, patient, sensitive, joyful, generous, loving, and always exciting!

Sarah, humbly, gives me the very best advice and is never too busy when I need her. She pours truth into me when I seek her for wise council and she is SUCH a good encourager.

Sarah works as a receptionist at a law firm in downtown Dallas. (haha I laugh every time she tells someone what she does and then they ask her if she has aspirations of being a lawyer). I went to work with Sarah one day this Summer because i was THAT bored. While I was there, I was reminded of just how special she is. Sarah is by far the youngest in her office, but there was not one person I met that day who didn't go on an on about how much they love her and how wise she is beyond her years. Just like she listens to me, she listens to the people in her office in whatever phase or walk of life they may be. She meets them where they are and shares her thoughts if advice is in order, or simply listens to someone who needs to vent. It was so cool for me to see that, and be reminded of how well she loves.

On October 23, 2010, Sarah will be married to Campbell Gillis. Even though she's exchanging "Stutsman" for "Gillis", I think "Sarah Gillis" is a really cute name, don't you? Campbell and his family love Sarah a lot, so I don't have trouble sharing her. I have loved being home this Summer to get to be part of the wedding process! I have what feels like, a big job, being the maid of honor, and might I add, i haven't a CLUE what I'm doing! But at the end of the day, it isn't about (nor does it matter) how well I pulled off my job, as it is Sarah and Campbell everyone is there for...BUT I am ever thankful for Campbell's 3 sweet sisters Maribeth, Whitley, and Carley who are not only so much fun to be around, but so willing to help this lost and confused little maid of honor. This wedding, the people there, and the couple celebrated, is going to be SO much fun! Everyone check out (maybe this will put some pressure on them to BLOG!)

Anyway, I could go on forever, but I'm not sure even Sarah would be able to read for forever. If you have the privilege of knowing Sarah well, I know you would agree with everything I had to brag about from your own personal experiences with her. Love you BIG, sister, and I'm so thankful for you today, tomorrow, and the rest of the days after that :) [insert cheesy quote about sisters here]

1 comment:

  1. loving this post, betherney. Future ZIL once removed.
