So from the morbid ring of my title today, you can probably tell that I am mourning the loss of former possession that has passed on. Early this morning, July 3rd, exact time unknown, a certain mac book power cord's young life was taken by a devilish young pup, who will remain nameless (only because she doesn't officially have a name. I have made a habit of referring to her as "Psycho" and encourage anyone who asks to join me). Psycho is a dog I am babysitting for the weekend. She has a face like an angel, but a heart of ice, and a satanic look in her eye. I'm hesitant to post a picture of her because of just how deceivingly and disgustingly cute she is...but I know you readers of mine won't be fooled.
There she is. Plotting her next scar on my face. Last night she was nuts...I guess I'll take some of the blame because I should have known better to enjoy her lazy afternoon she spent napping after she had tired from biting my poor dog, Moe's ears. (Literally she would have litlle curly, white, fuzzies hanging out of her mouth from jumping up and grabbing his ear and just dropping....and repeating.) Anyway, because of that, she wasn't ready to go to sleep and kept me up until about 4 in the morning, which isn't terribly abnormal for me, except for the fact that she woke me up at 6 this morning with a bark/yelp that is comparable to nails on a chalkboard (I just shivered).
My dad ended up letting her out and I was too out of it to notice...yes he was trying to do me a favor, but the rest of the house is like candy land to her if she's unsupervised. She wants it ALL, but she especially likes expensive things that help keep me connected to the world by charging what has become one of my best friends this Summer- my computer. So as I watch my computer's battery life fade, I am reminded of something a little bigger than the loss of my computer cord...this is a stretch, so bear with me...
Lately I have been reminded that above everything, and even every person, I love on this world, I should hold nothing higher than my God. It is so easy to make it or them a priority above Him, and even though it's hard to admit, it's easy for me to make things and people idols in my life. [SIDE NOTE: Please rest assured that there are things in my life I am currently dealing more with than electronic accessories] It's funny though how God chooses to remind us of these things though when we seek his guidance.
Today, I have to admit that after a little less than 4 hours of mediocre sleep, and being woken up at 8 to my mom busting in my room and tossing a chewed up cord on my bed...(please don't think less of me OR assume that this is like me to do)- but while considering the cost burden I now faced on my way out of my room, while still waking up, and picking up the dog poop that the same demon dog left in the entry way, while she bit my ankles with her needle teeth, and then proceeded to dart out the front door to have me chase her around outside withOUT shoes but still WITH the paper towel-wrapped poop in my hand...I cried just a little bit.
Thankfully the Lord took both THAT, and the same sort of thing that's been on my mind (but on a slightly bigger scale) and gave me a peace when I spent time with Him this morning. I love God's sense of humor. I really believe that (in a loving way, of course) we're kind of like His little dolls in His world that I'll compare to say, a Barbie dream house, who He plays with. Yes, sometimes, whether it's out of His boredom or a real need for one of our lives to be rocked, He'll put us in different situations that challenge us. But at the end of the day we're still just His plastic dolls, and no matter how hard we fight it, we will inevitably end up where He intended.
In Matthew chapter 10 (of course I'm convicted in the chapter that I didn't intend on reading today and just decided, for no good reason, to read a little further on) I laughed with God at myself. Matthew 10:37-39 says "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me, and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." So, while I still miss my cord, and am dreading the loss of my computer's battery life, replacing it is only money. On a bigger scale, the people in my life who I count on, think are cool, the people I love, trust, or even enjoy attention from are still worthy of my trust and adoration as long as I also wake up each morning to die to myself. When I do that, the people I trust most will still let me down, but I'll have a peace about it knowing that there is someone bigger who sees me fall before it happens. And he'll catch me every time.
So if you read today, thanks for letting me unload that :) We can end on two different notes here: 1) God is funny. I love that I get to serve and learn form a God who has one of my favorite character qualities. 2) if you want to have your patience tested, as well as play the "how much do you like your stuff" game- find a puppy to babysit today! You might cry, but just make sure you have as many reasons, scratches, and chewed valuables as I do to justify your tears...And if you don't, just don't blog about it. That's all I've got today, assuming I don't pull another double whammy (but let's face it, my computer won't last that long) Sorry for comparing you to Barbie dolls earlier....I hope you accept my apology, but the comparison still stands. Enjoy your Satruday, dear readers :)
I could make that dog have an "accident" if you know what I mean, but it would have to be for a small price.
haha i'm not paying any more for that dog, but i appreciate your willingness to help