Sunday, July 11, 2010

Love is in the air....well at least the air that Mark and Katie are breathing

It's been a good weekend so far! Yesterday a bunch of my favorite people came in town to visit the Dallas kids! I didn't think I would make it to dinner because I had just finished my dance intensive parent's show case...but I made it! (Only because I'm a firm believer that showering is highly overrated in certain situations) But anyway, Caroline (who I have promised to devote a blog written completely in our accent to) spent the night at my house and we stayed up talking until 6 in the morning...Because we're idiots. I had to teach a dance class at 10 this morning...and waking up at 10 seems more like waking up at 4 am when you go to sleep at 6am. (That sentence was mainly confusing, and only slightly insightful). I went to the mall with Allie and Zami (window shopping- check!...crap, it's not window shopping when you cave and buy nude patten leather Steve Madden pumps that aren't on sale because you want them and the sales lady convinces you that they make you look skinny and tan and beautiful and swears that when you put them on the pimple on your cheek suddenly disappears). Ok she didn't say all those things... because I know I still have a zit on my face and I bought the shoes full price anyway.

But anywho...I Just got home from one of my top 5 favorite things ever. A WEDDING!!! I love, love, LOVE weddings for a lot of reasons...1) you get to get dressed up in "nicer than church" clothes for an event other than a high school dance. 2) You get to watch, not only the bride, but the groom as she walks down. That's the real deal as far as I'm concerned- (But when it's me, I won't mind if people are watching) 3) Live bands that play a collaboration of all the best music- there is no genre of music more happy than "wedding music" 4) Dancing with my dad. I'm not being mushy and sentimental here, y'all- I like dancing like an idiot with him. We look so dumb, but never fail to get an audience :)

The wedding was absolutely beautiful! Katie was stunning, and Mark just wanted to kiss her. Mark's dad got to do the last part of the ceremony. We could all tell that he was wrapping it up...well I guess we didn't just pick up on it- he pronounced them married, it wasn't hard. However, instead of saying "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride", he stopped, turned around, and when we saw him again he had sunglasses on and was reciting a rap about kissing...ON THE ALTER. It was hysterical! The best part is that NO ONE knew he was going to do that.

The worst part is though, that MY dad now, not only feels entitled to do something along the same lines, but probably feels like it is expected of him to do something of the sort at Sarah's wedding. I probably had 6 people come up to me at the reception and say that the first thing they thought of during the kissing rap was that we were in trouble haha.

I danced my little heart out at the reception. I danced some with Sarah, but mainly with my dad- the parents were egging me on, I couldn't help myself. I felt slightly uncomfortable dancing with the fam to "Yeah" by Usher...and even more uncomfortable when I realized I was singing along with it, word-for-every raunchy-word...but I got over it and just kept being inappropriate.

 My parents, of course, told the famous "Bethany wedding story" that comes up at EVERY wedding we go to, without fail...Here's the summary: when I was 3 I had a 104 degree temperature at my uncle's wedding, but I would not leave the dance floor for anything. I vividly remember being dragged off (probably mid hip thrust) to take medicine. I hate syrup medicine, so it usually ended up on my mom. My mom wasn't having any of that on her wedding attire, so they would put it in and then cover my mouth and blow in my face. Blow in my face? I'm confused...apparently it worked though- I swallowed it, and my mom didn't leave the event with a red spew, syrup stain/dank medicine stinch on her. I assure you, I got back to dancing in no time.

Great wedding, great people...this means Sarah's wedding is right around the corner- yikes! I can't stinkin wait for it! Watch out, party people- me and steve are gonna bust a move. Good bye for now, dear readers...if you haven't had the pleasure of being invited to a wedding, make it a point to attend one anyway. Just don't make it the Stutsman-Gillis wedding, becuase Steve won't to pay for wedding crasher's finger food


  1. come to my wedding. let's dance w our dads togethaaaa (seriously, my dad and i cut a serious rug, mon)

  2. this is a promising. i'm highly intrigued. i love cutting rugs with dads in good rug-cutting company. is this your way of telling me you're engaged?!

  3. It is a phenomenon, I know! A little-known, physical, law of nature..... When you abruptly blow in the face of babies or small children, their natural impulse is to swallow. Ask my mom! It's true. I watched her "shock and awe" tactics on many toddlers.... including you! :)
